Guess What? Part 2

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Seth POV

Lily was spending the day with the girls. She was planning on telling them about the imprint today. We'd agreed that she'd tell the girls and that I would tell my mom and Charlie. I'd just finished my patrol and was headed over to my mom and Charlie's to talk to them. When I walked in the house, Mom was cooking Charlie some breakfast. "Morning." I said when I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Seth." Charlie said.

I walked over to the stove and kissed my mom's cheek. "What're you doing here? Don't you usually eat at Sam's or the café." She asked.

"Normally yeah. But the café is closed today and the girls are having a girls day at Sam's. Plus I needed to talk to you guys." I told them.

"Well come have a seat. We can talk while your mom cooks." Charlie said from the kitchen table.

I walked over and sat down across from Charlie. I didn't want to be within arm's reach in case he decided to hit me. "Umm...I don't know where to start." I said.

"Whatever it can't be that bad." Charlie said.

"I imprinted." I said.

"Really? On who?" Charlie asked.

I couldn't help but think about how far we'd come. "On Lily." I whispered.

"What? I didn't hear you." Charlie said.

I took a deep breath. "I said that I imprinted on Lily." I said. I heard my mom drop a plate.

"When?" Charlie asked.

"The day that Dad died." I said.

"This why you've been spending so much time with her?" Charlie asked me.

I hung my head. "It started out that way. Wait that's not right." I said stumbling over my words. "When I first imprinted, I knew that I wasn't ready for a relationship and I knew that she was still getting over Edward so I didn't want to push. About a month ago, I felt something shift in our relationship. So, I confronted her about it. I waited until she finished closing up the café and then I walked her home. I told her about the imprint and in return she told me that she'd fallen in love with me." I rambled.

Mom carried some plates over and sat them in front of me and Charlie. She went back to get her own and then joined us at the table. "Let me get this straight. You imprinted on Lily. At first you were friends. Now she's in love with you." Charlie said.

I nodded. "Yes." I said taking a bite of my breakfast.

Charlie ran a hand over his face. Mom looked up at me. "So, I get Lily as a daughter in law?" She asked.

My wolf smiled at the thought. "Someday Mom. We've only been together officially for a month." I told her.

I took another bite of my food and looked at Charlie. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure. I think that I just need some time to process." Charlie said and I nodded. Charlie stood up from the table. "Just...don't hurt her." He said.

"Charlie, it isn't physically possible for me to hurt her. To hurt her is to hurt myself." I said.

"Good." Charlie said before he walked out of the house.

Once Charlie had left the house, I looked at Mom and she had a big grin on her face. "So, Lily huh?" She asked.

I smiled at her as I finished my breakfast. "Yeah, Mom...Lily." I said.

When I finished my breakfast I headed down to the beach to meet up with the others. We were going Cliff Diving while the girls hung out. I kinda felt like the odd ball of the group. Sam had Paul and Jared and Jake had Embry and Quil. I felt like I didn't have anybody. Maybe that's why Lily and I got along so well...we were okay to be by ourselves. "Hey guys." I said as I approached them.

"Where'd you eat breakfast this morning?" Paul asked me.

"Mom's." I said. "I had to tell her and Charlie."

Sam nodded. "Is that why the girls have taken over my house?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yep. That was the deal I made with Lily. She tells the girls and I get to tell the parentals." I said.

"How is that fair?" Jared asked me.

I laughed. "Lily put pot in the brownies that she made for the girls. She thought that it might be fun to get them high when she told them about the imprint." I said.

Jake freaked out. "Leah can't eat pot brownies, we're trying to get pregnant." He said.

"She didn't put a lot. Chill out."

After the guys and I went Cliff Diving, we stopped at Jake's to grab something to eat before I headed to Lily's apartment. I wanted to be there when she got back. I sat on the couch and played video games for a while before I ordered us a couple of pizzas. And then I waited for her. My Lily.

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