Letter 5

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Dear Reader,

Exams have been coming nearer day by day.. Parties have been exchanged with studies, girl gossips exchanged for studies.. Hanging outs with friend circles changed into studies.. Yeah you get it, studies and only studies. It was the second semester and I had to do well particularly in economics as I screwed up every single time in this subject..

We had all gone over to Jamie's place for group studies.. Scribbling down notes, solving question papers and most importantly mugging up the texts. It had been two to three hours that we were struggling.

" You guys carry on while Grace and I get some hot coffee.." Jamie and Grace got up from the table while I remained focussed on 'elasticity of demand by the percentage method.'

What is this shit? Elasticity??

Economics is literally tangent to my grey matter.

Seriously.. I needed help.

I pointed out to the section of 'elasticity' to George letting him know that I required help with that portion. He had been the topper back to back for the past two semesters so he could definitely help me out..

"Babe, I really need to go to loo. Dexter, why don't you help her out?" George got up from his seat.

Just great George. You're the epitome of friendship.


Yes, how many Dexters are here?

George nodded.

He looked at the page number I was on and he turned his book to that page. "Uh huh, elasticity by percentage method. That's easy."

Thank you for rubbing the fact that I can't even understand easy stuff. Really impressed.

"Look at the percentage changes of price and quantities of the commodities. Divide the percentage change of quantity by the price and you'll get the answer."

He kept fidgeting with his hair while explaining whatever he was explaining to me. He ran his fingers through his dark brown locks and it made something tingle in my heart. God, I'm screwed. So much.

"Uh, did you understand any part of it?"

What, do I look mentally retarded to you??

I nodded and looked away.

* * *
Examinations always meant more tension for my dad than me. He'd come by again and again at night, refilling my cup with coffee and switching off the lights in my room when I accidentally fell asleep.

Today was no different.

Telling him it'll all be okay and not to worry too much, I waved him bye and went to school.

"Morning babe!! Ready for the paper?"

Do I look like I have an option?

I show her a thumbs up and after a chit chat all of us enter the class room.. Jamie and I are seated next to each other and soon the teacher arrived. He handed each of us a question paper.

"Students now start." He announced to us.

I go through the questions and it seemed okay.. We had two long hours to solve the paper. I started off slow but gradually increased my speed. I finished a few questions and looked around.

Jamie was casually writing down her paper, while Grace had an expression as if she had landed to some other world!

George's expression was a lot different. It was as if he seemed to set the question! Goodness, what speed!! Then I realized that's why he's the topper, so that's justified.

Anyway I look at him I don't know why he seemed to be a little distracted. He was not looking at his paper but looking here and there and sort of tensed.

"Blossom concentrate on your paper!!" Sir shouted.

Yeah yeah I know I was looking here and there.. I refocused and started writing but I could see our professor stroll about in the room.. Curiously looking at each and everyone with utmost eagerness. As if we all are cheaters.

And then I know not how, I paper ball falls on my desk. I turn back and I see him looking straight into my eyes with a look of tension. I take it and open it to see what's in it..

"Answer to Q:6 will be negative as law of demand is always negative.."

No frigging way.

I looked at Dexter who looked at me petrified. He mouthed it, throw it back. Why would he throw this at me? Or did he wanted to throw this someone else? Before I could figure anything...

"Can I see what's that Miss?" Our professor snatches it away.


"Oh now I see what's the matter... Why are you so distracted... You've started cheating!!" He shouts in the class and everyone was staring at me with a 'I didn't know she could cheat' look.

I look at Jamie and try to make her realize that it wasn't my fault. I show her the paper, it wasn't even my handwriting.

"Sir, its not her fault. I know her, she's never been into cheating and this stuff. Its not even her handwriting si-" Jamie protested.

"You sit down and complete your paper." He shouted at Jamie. "And you! Dean's office right now." He pointed at me.

Among many disadvantages of not been able to talk, one is no one is bothered about what you think. If you can't speak, if you cannot voice yourself, you can go to hell. Nobody gives a shit if you cannot. Its not that I don't want to speak up, question lies, is anybody listening?


Author's note: Sorry, about the short update. Busy, busy, busy... Do vote and share though, makes my busy day! Lol :D

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