Chapter 39: Heroic

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You entered the side of the asylum along with Leonard and Professor Stein. Leonard led the way with his cold gun ready just in case. He stood somewhat in front of Professor Stein since Jax was not with you he was essentially powerless.

"I'm sure the kid is fine" Leonard tried to reassure Professor Stein.

"Jefferson and I, as you know, share a psychic connection but for some inexplicable reason, I can't seem to reach him. I've grown so accustomed to our partnership to suddenly be without him is disquieting."

"I know the feeling." Leonard trailed off. 

You watched their interaction. It was an interesting combination. However, it seemed they were able to bond over their feeling about their partners. You were glad Leonard seemed willing to talk to someone and not keep it inside like he did with everything.

As the three of you turn the corner and step deeper into the hallways you hear an alarm go off followed by a sound of cawing which seemed to grow louder the more steps you took into the asylum.

"Oh boy" Professor Stein said as what you assumed to be Tommy came flying toward you.

"Just when you think you've seen everything," Leonard said as he quickly shot his cold gun at it sending it back. You took out another one that came up behind the one Leonard just blasted.

"Guess those missing kids are no longer missing" Leonard added his voice a little frantic from the attack.

After a moment of quiet another one came around the corner. At first all you saw was a silhouette. You were preparing to defend yourself but as it got closer you soon realized...

"Oh my god" Professor Stein gasped "it's Jefferson."

Unlike the others Jefferson was slowly walking up to the three of you. His main focus though was Professor Stein. You had no idea if he was planning to attack or not. Right now, Jax just looked curious as to what was going on and who you were. Professor Stein started trying to connect with him hoping he could break Jax out of any sort of spell that was placed on him.

"Jefferson! It's us!"

Jax screech and opened his wings but did not lunge at him. You tensed up hoping you wouldn't have to attack your friend.

Leonard didn't want to give him the chance at attacking and pushed Professor Stein out of the way and pointed his cold gun at him.

"Jax don't make me do this." He said as he fired up his gun.

Not a second later another hybrid came up from behind Leonard and startled Jax causing him to swipe his claw at Leonard. He fell down and quickly shot his cold gun at a valve on the wall releasing fog scaring the others away.

Deciding it would be best to just meet up with the others, you guys made your way out of the hallway and into the main part of the asylum. The three of you entered the check-in area but were met again by Jax who seemed to come out of nowhere. This caught you all off guard but luckily Sara quickly came to the rescue and knocked him out.

"It's time to go" she said looking at all of you.

"Not without Jefferson or whatever's left of him" Professor Stein said.

You agreed. You had Jax. If you could now help him then you could help the others.


With Jax in one of the med bay chairs you, Leonard, and Rip were all gathered round waiting for Professor Stein to come back from the lab with the cure.

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