63 ~ You Like Him But He Has A Girlfriend (part 2)

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You Like Him But He Has A Girlfriend (part two):

Ashton: (his POV) 'Is she okay?' Aimee whispered to me. I didn't take my eyes off of the open door as I pulled on my shoes, 'I-I don't know,' for once in my life, I wasn't sure how my best friend was, it felt as if she was someone so close to me, yet so far, 'I know this a rubbish start to a date but I really need to check up on her, I'll be back in a few minutes - MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME!' I called down the hallway to her as I slammed the door and started to run.

10 minutes passed, then 20, then quarter of an hour and eventually one whole hour and a half but still no sign of Y/N, but I still didn't give up. Calling her name out and looking left and right every couple of minutes or so, I soon found myself in the park we used to come to as kids. For a moment, I stopped worrying and smiled. However those memories faded as I shook my head and landed back into reality when I noticed a black heap underneath a tree. 'Y/N?' I shouted over, 'is that you?' The figure moved and lifted their head up, I jogged over and crouched down?'

'Ash?...' She choked out through her tears and shivers. I nodded and sat down in front of her, dragging her onto my lap and holding her tightly,

'Y/N, you're freezing, are you okay?' I gently blew on her tiny hands and rubbed them inbetween mine.

'You should be with Aimee, it's your date night, not "come and look for Y/N" night,' she cracked a feeble smile, attempting to joke but this anything but the time. But she had a point...maybe...maybe Aimee wasn't the best thing that had happened, maybe it was Y/N. But no...we are only best friends, right?

Luke: For the next couple of weeks you could not face Luke or your brother - it was obvious from the constant glances and teasing that Luke had told your brother and boy, had he not let you forget it.

'So, Y/N, how's Luke? Oh wait, you wouldn't know because you're not his girlfriend!' Your brother cackled, running up the stairs.

'Fuck you man,' you muttered under your breath, stabbing your cereal with your spoon. You jumped a little when you heard the door go, dropping your spoon, which caused a loud clattering against the stone floor. You trudged to the door and opened it, letting out an exasperated sigh when you realized who was there. Luke.

'Y/N, I'm just here to say-'

'Here to say that you're sorry because I don't need to hear it, you can save the crap Luke,' you said, tolling your eyes.

'I know it was wrong of me to tell your brother, it must be hell...'

'Hell? You think it's just hell? You let someone take the piss out of you 24/7 and see how you like it. Just leave and go back to your girlfriend Luke.' You slammed the door on his face, not realizing that he was about to reveal the bouquet of red roses and small teddy from behind his back.

Michael: You kept on running and running, not looking behind you once and ignoring Luke's frequent shouts and calls for you to come back.

'Y/N, please stop!' You heard in the background but still you powered on. You knew it wouldn't belong before you'd give up, however, you could already taste the blood in your throat. You had to stop and support yourself on a gate when you felt someone grab your shoulders. Letting out a scream, you went to swing your arm but realized it was Luke, a very out of breath and sweaty Luke at that.

'Y/N, seriously tell me, are you in love with Michael Clifford?'

You couldn't look Luke straight in the eye, of course you were but you couldn't do anything now, 'it's complicated...there's no point asking me.'

'Y/N,' he warned.

'Okay yes, but he's proposed to her now and there's nothing I can do. This always happens Luke, I'm always the one to fall in love with the people that are taken.' You sobbed.

'No,' he glanced at his watch and grabbed your hand, dragging you back t the venue, 'Y/N, he's only proposed, you can still tell him how you feel, it might not change his mind but his mum's even said it himself, you guys are meant to be.'

Calum: You banged your head on the desk. Several times. 'I'm. Such. An. IDIOT.' Your friend patted your back trying to be sympathetic but it didn't help. 'How didn't I guess he had a girlfriend and to think, to actually think I was going to go up to him and ask him out. UGH'

'Ask who out?' You looked up and Calum winked at you.

You done a double take and started to stutter again, 'u-um, nobody important.'

He leant against the desk next to yours, 'well that's just a shame, I really wanted to know,' he laughed. 'But Y/L/N, we're thinking along the same lines, I wanted to "ask someone out" too.'

You sighed, not in the mood to play along with one of his games right now, but damn you couldn't help keep yours eyes off him. His hair with that blond streak and the way he was bting his lip just made you want to-

'So what do you say Y/L/N? Friday night okay?'

'Huh?' You asked, trying to quickly brush off your recent thoughts.

'Go to the fair in town on Friday night?' He smiled.

'Wouldn't you rather go on a date with your girlfriend,' you questioned, sounding a mixture of both sarcasm and shock.

He stood up and smirked, 'who said anything about dates?'


a/n - IM BACK (not that ive been anywhere interesting except to the freezer to get ice cream lol)

i would like to thank taylor swift for giving me inspiration amen

part 3? leave a comment :3

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