54 - He's A Nerd & Asks You Out (Part 2)

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A/N - idontknowhowiwasmeanttodoaparttwotothisbutyouguysaskedforoneandididntwanttoletyoudownsohereotissorryifitsrubbish (props to you if you actually read that and understood it)


He's A Nerd & Asks You Out (Part 2):

Ashton: You tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone as you walked through the dining hall with Ashton. Obviously it hadn't taken long for the gossip to spread. You could hear whispers but you just answered each of them with a dirty look.
'Don't let them get to you,' Ashton said softly.
'I'm not and anyway, I shouldn't. I'm just a normal student who came to lunch with another normal student because she didn't want to have lunch with a bunch of idiots.'
Ashton smiled at you as you both took a seat at one of the vacant tables. You began to pick at your fries but you couldn't help but still feel paranoid that people were looking, despite the fact numerous conversations had now broken out and there was no longer silence.
'Y/N can I ask you something?' Ashton asked suddenly.
'Go ahead.'
'Why did you, I don't know,why did you kinda pick me over your friends? Why did you say yes to going out with me?'
You swallowed, 'you mean my 'friends'? They weren't really friends anyway, they were just a bunch of people that hung around with me because of my status, which I shouldn't really have because the whole idea of it is stupid. And, I said yes because, well because I like you. I don't want you to think that I'm like one of them, I'm sick of the shit they put you through each day and I didn't want to be a part of that.' You looked down and pushed some of the smaller fries into ketchup at the last part of your sentence.
'Y/N I knew you weren't like any of them, I wouldn't of had the balls to ask you out if I knew you were half of what they were like.'
You have him a smile, 'thanks.'
'Y/N,' you heard the squeaky voice of one of your ex-friends. 'Y/N, I thought you were joking when you said you were going out with him?'
You picked up your drink and poured it down her front, 'hey Ashton, why don't we get out of here, there's a bad smell hanging around.'

Luke: You looked down at the small piece of paper Luke had previously given you with his address on and then back up at the house. You continued to do this until you decided that you probably looked a little odd. Taking a deep breath in, you walked up to the house and raised your hand, about to knock.
'Took you enough time,' you heard someone laugh as the door opened.
'I got the right house then?'
'Haha, yeah...come inside, and you can er, put your arm down now.' He said, gesturing at your hand, that was still ready to knock on the door. You let it fall gently to your side and followed Luke in. He took you upstairs to his bedroom, where you could see that he had already set out some of the project you were going to be working on. Luke's room was a little different to how you expected, there was some space posters and workbooks scattered around but it was quite...dark? It just didn't seem to fit Luke's personality at school.
'Take a seat,' Luke said quietly, as he himself sat down on the bed pushing the majority of the papers back. You set your bag down on one of the tables and sat down on the bed next to Luke. There was a slightly awkward feeling about it all; you could feel Luke's eyes on you as you tried to figure out where to look.
'So...umm...where should we start, we've not got long for this?' You asked, breaking the long silence but Luke just kept his eyes on you, once or twice looking down at your lips. 'Luke? Luke, you with us?'
He snapped out of his trance and blushed a little, 'sorry, I got distracted...'
You nodded awkwardly and picked up the project prompt your teacher had given you. As you were scanning through it, you felt a slightly cold hand on your cheek.
'Wh-' you were about to speak but Luke cut you off by placing his lips on yours. At first you didn't kiss back, but you were the one starting to deepen the kiss. It wasn't a particularly passionate kiss that you shared, but it was sweet and one that you had never really had with previous boys; it came as quite a shock.
Luke rested his forehead on yours as it came to an end, 'that was great...' he trailed off, smiling.
You smirked at him, 'we should do it again sometime.'

Michael: 'Y/N you look fine, and besides, even if you didn't look great you'd still look at least 5 times better than Michael, cause let's face it, he's not exactly going to be the hottest guy there.'
You scowled at what your friend was saying about Michael, as you sprayed your hair with hairspray one last time. 'Why do you hate him so much? And don't drink out of that cup, it leaks - your dress will get ruined.'
You heard your friend sigh and put the glass back on the table, 'Y/N, like I've said before, you're popular and he's a nerd. It's not right. There's at least fifty boys that wanted to ask you to the dance and you chose...Michael?'
You quietly breathed in and out to yourself, trying not to hit your friend with the now empty hairspray can. You looked up at the clock and got your shoes on, 'c'mon, the car is here now.'
The journey to the venue was silent and you could probably feel the tension a mile away. Once you got out of the car, your friend shot over to your 'group' while you looked around for Michael.
'Hello there,' someone from behind you whispered.
'Michael? You look really different!' You said, a little shocked at how different he looked. He gave you a weird look, 'in a good way though.'
Since you had last saw him in school, he had dyed his hair a really light lilac colour, which coincidently matched your dress, and had dressed up in a suit.
To put it simply, he looked hot.
'Should we go inside, the foods meant to be really nice.' You let out a little giggle as he offered out his arm, which you gladly accepted.
'Oh look there's Y/N with...with..is that Michael?' You friend shouted across. Soon enough, the majority of the girls had gathered around the two of you, trying to flirt with Michael. You had to laugh at some of the ways the girls were trying to get Michael's attention, but Michael just walked past them, constantly looking back at you to see if you were ok. Eventually, you made your way to the back of the room where the drinks were.
'There's your drink Y/N.'
You thanked him and took a sip, 'I was 99% sure you were gonna leave me there Michael.'
He shook his head and finished his drink, 'Y/N, I asked you to this dance because I only have eyes for you..you've been the only person to accept me as me...I like you Y/N. I like you a lot.'
You have him a quick kiss, 'I like you too Michael.'

Calum: 'So where are we going then Calum?'
You had just finished your first tutoring session with Calum, which had gone very successfully.
'Nowhere special, just to the small food place in town and then we can go to the park?'
'Sounds great!' You smiled up at him as you both left the house.
The diner was pretty much empty when you and Calum arrived, with only a few students from a lower year. You both took menus from the stand and looked through them quickly. A young looking waitress came up to you, 'umm, I'll have a burger and fries please.'
Calum closed the menu, 'I'll have the same.'
A silence settled once the waitress left and you couldn't decided on whether it was comfortable or awkward so you started to fiddle with a napkin.
After a while, Calum spoke up, 'so I guess my tutoring was good?'
'I guess it was,' you smiled. That and the fact I really like you, you thought to yourself.
'You what?' Calum said, clearly trying not to smirk.
'Crap, I said that out loud?'
He nodded.
'Okay, you got me there Hood, I like you.' Your voice faltered slightly at the end so it came out a little quieter.
'What was that?' Calum laughed and you knew that he was doing it on purpose.
You playfully scoreless at him, 'I like you Calum.'
'I still can't hear you.'
'I LIKE YOU!' You looked around to make sure no one was staring at you as you leaned forward and gave Calum a kiss on the cheek. He looked slightly shocked as you moved back but regained his usual cute smile, 'good thing I like you too, and I think the tutoring is going to get a lot more fun now.'


A/N - I WANNA WRITE A NERDY 5SOS FANFIC BUT IT'S PROBABLY ALREADY BEEN DONE LOADS. Also sorry for any typos but I'm on my phone and I haven't got my laptop with me :/

QOTD: dogs or cats?

AOTD: dogs 🐶

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