56 ~ You're In A Keek

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You're In A Keek:

Ashton: 'Okay, we've got be very quiet because I'm going to show you someone very special,' Ashton whispered to his phone. He swapped the camera to reveal you and your newborn baby, who was fast asleep.

'Ash, please don't film me,'  you said, giving him a tired smile and then covering your face with your free hand.

He leant out and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, 'you look gorgeous.'

You laughed softly before Ashton moved the camera down to the baby girl, 'say hello to little Scarlett Anne Irwin' He waved at the small baby, who had opened her eyes, revealing two large brown eyes, just like yours. She then held out her tiny hand and reached out to Ashton's phone.

'Aww, see she's already a natural in front of the camera. Okay Scarlett, say "daddy" for daddy. Say "daddy"'

'Haha, Ash, she's only a day old. She won't be able to say anything yet. And anyway, her first word is going to be mummy.' Once you finished talking Scarlett began to cry.

'Guys, I think someone is hungry! See you all later, bye!' He added before ending the keek.

Luke: - 'Hey guys!' You waved into the camera. 'We're at the zoo right now-'

'And we're going to see the penguins!' Luke cut in, joining you on camera.

You shook your head and jerked your thumb towards him, 'and he called me obsessed with bands. Anyway, like I was saying, we're at the zoo and so far we've seen giraffes, elephants, meerkats and...' You stopped because you felt a constant tap on your shoulder, 'what is it Luke?'


You filmed Luke running over to the penguin exhibit, while little  kids stared at this over-grown giant boy smile over penguins.

You ran up to him and faced the camera back to yourself, 'Luke, people are staring at you.' You got no response, only Luke trying to stroke one of the penguins, 'okay, I'm going to finish here so I can calm down Lucas, see you all later if we haven't been arrested!'

Michael: - 'Guys,' Calum laughed  into the camera, 'just watch.'

He faced the camera towards the sofa where you and Michael had just finished an intense game of Mario Kart.  

'You were meant to be my friend.' You pouted, throwing the controller down.

Michael sat there with a smug expression, 'it's not my fault I threw a banana and you slipped on it.'

'You could of thrown it at Yoshi!' You shouted. You stood up from the couch and jumped on Michael, tackling him onto the ground. Calum had to stifle a laugh as Michael, somehow managed to flip you over and was now tickling your sides.

'Fuck you Clifford.' You giggled.

'Yeah, we all know you'll be doing that later,' Michael smirked at you.

Calum quickly faced the phone back to him, 'and I think we're going to end things there. Bye!'

Calum: - 'I need to show you something really cute.' Calum began the keek, 'so Y/N fell asleep and she's going to get really annoyed with me but I think she looks adorable.'

He moved the camera closer to your face so he could show you off even more, 'little fact, when Y/N's asleep, she has this little dimple in her cheek and she says she hates it but I think it's one of her best features.'

Calum began to state more things he loved about you before he got interrupted.

'Oh hi keek!' Ashton shouted, walking into the living room fully, trying to get on camera.

'Ashton you idiot!' Calum whisper-shouted.

You woke up and opened your eyes, 'Calum were you, filming me?'

'Crap, I got caught guys, hopefully see you soon!' He said, before finishing the keek.


a/n - just a short one for today :) but guys my phone charger broke and i can't get a new lead until tuesday, i'm pretty sad. i hope you're all alright?

also, do you prefer first or thrid person fanfics? please leave a comment because I need to know asap.

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautfiul

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