22 ~ Thoughts When He Sees You For The First Time

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Thoughts When He Sees You For The First Time:

Ashton: She's been catching my eye all the way through the concert I have to go and talk to talk to her...but wait. What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she likes the others more than more? Oh c'mon I can't think like that. She is truly beautiful though... I have to get her backstage or something... I have to make her mine, I don't even know her but wow, I think I like her already.

Luke: Wow. She is gorgeous. But wait...do I have to go and talk to her. I can't do that! What if she doesn't like me? I know, I'll go over and offer to buy her coffee. C'mon Lukey boy, just walk over to her and say hi, it's not difficult - you got dis Luke. Oh crap. She's looking at me. A PRETTY GIRL IS LOOKING AT ME. And she's walking over. Oh no. I ain't got this. Can I panic now?

Michael: I wonder if she likes FIFA? I hope she does. But to be honest, I don't care because dayum she is pretty - beautiful in fact. Put you're tongue back in Michael! She's gonna think you're weird! Wait. I swear she was just looking at me. I need to know her name, oh god is this what liking a human is like? It's a lot different to liking food and pizza...

Calum: How does my hair- woah, woah, woah who's that? Wow she looks amazing! Maybe I should ask Luke who it is, wait why would he know? I guess I have to speak to her...wish me luck! Oh wow I'm talking to myself snap out of it Hood and go speak to the god damn beautiful girl! The worst she could do is slap you. Oh know look, she's looking at me like I- Wait..Shes looking at me...maybe this is my chance.


A/N - Hello...wow I almost forgot how to spell hello there... like barely two weeks off school and I can't even spell :/

Anyway, how're you guys?

Shoutout to: @imirwinsgirl , @That_Biersack_Girl and @LashtonHerwin_ for voting loads thank you guys so much.

Also thanks to people that take the time to comment and vote, you seriously don't know how happy I am when I see 'so and so voted for ____' and 'so and so commented on ____' so thanks loads ☺️

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

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