16 ~ Hobbie/Interest You Introduce Him To

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Hobbie/Interest You Introduce Him To:

Ashton: Drawing

You'd always loved drawing and being creative. Like Ashton and music, it was a way to express yourself. So, you thought it would be a good idea to let Ashton have a go after he had watched do it for so long. You two spent an afternoon together, trying to draw one another, until Ashton got frustrated and tried to draw Michael from memory...lets say that the end result was quite amusing...

Luke: Reading

OK, so it wasn't reading books that you were interested in because fanfics were your life, but all the same you loved to read. However, Luke didn't paticularly enjoy it and this led into you two having a 'discussion' as to whether reading was boring or not. To prove your point of it not being boring, you set Luke a challenge, which naturally he accepted, to read If I Stay in a week. He finished it in two days.

Michael: Making Youtube videos

You were a fairly well-known face on Youtube. Whether it be from your make-up tips, or your latest rant but you'd never told Michael about it really. But, one day, you were making a video when Mikey walked in on it by accident. You then sat him down and explained the whole thing at least twice. Once he finally got it, he asked you if he could be in a video with you. And that was the beginning of 'Mondays with Michael'

Calum: Singing

Obviously, you didn't need to introduce him to music because he was in a band himself but he always wanted to know something about you. So you decided to surprise him when you went to the recording studio with him. With the help of Ash, Luke and Mikey, you had convinced one of the mangagers to record you singing. You were about halfway through singing a song, when Calum walked in, noticed you and shouted 'GUYS WE HAVE A SUPPORT ACT FOR THE TOUR!' With a huge smile on his face.


A/N - These will be pretty breif and awful and I'll probably rewrite them but hey, I'm gonna do better preferences when the holidays eventually start...which is like never :(

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