32 ~ Meeting His/Your Parents

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Meeting His/Your Parents:

Ashton: (Yours) You looked over at Ashton as you both made your way up the drive to your parents house. Tonight was going to be the first time he had met your parents and naturally, you were a little nervous, but you could tell he was more than nervous. Before you left, Ash had changed from skinny jeans, into a suit, back into jeans and back into a suit. He finally put on black skinny jeans, with a smart shirt and blazer, after you'd reassured him that you're parents were laid back.

'Hey, you'll be ok Ashton, they're going to love you! I know my mum does already,' You laughed. He just smiled nervously as you opened the door and went inside, with Ashton constantly flattening his hair and clothes.

'Y/N! You're here! Your dad is in the kitchen making some drinks for dinner - and you must be the famous Ashton Irwin!' Your mum smiled and pulled you and then him in for a hug.

'Hi Mrs Y/L/N,'

'Please just call me Y/M/N.'

Ashton nodded and your dad came through. You went over and have him a huge hug before he turned to Ashton and held out his hand, a warming smile on his face. Ash shook your dad's hand and you gave him an encouraging look because you knew he was most nervous about meeting him opposed to your mum. 'Nice to meet you sir.'

Your dad waved it off, 'Call me Y/D/N. Anyway Ashton, what type if music are you into?'

He and your dad then delved into a conversation about music and set off to the dining room. You looked over at your mum, 'See I told you we'd both love him. He's such a lovely young man Y/N.'

Luke: (His) As you finished curling your hair and applying yet another coat of lipstick, you took one last look in the mirror. I can do this, you thought, Luke's met my parents so it's only fair I meet Liz. You were really anxious though and you couldn't help but worry over whether they'll hate you to not. It's always been a big thing for you meeting parents, because you feel like matters a lot, not only to the parents but to the boyfriend.

'Are you ready Y/N? My mum will be here in about -' The doorbell interrupted Luke shouting to you and you saw him come into your room.

'You look gorgeous,' he told you and you gave him a small smile. 'Now let's go and get her inside, we don't want her freezing to death.'

The both of you got to the door, which Luke opened while you were constantly twirling (A/N - lol I forgot the word) your hands together. You stood back a little once Luke's mum came in and he was greeting her and giving her a hug; you walked over and started to introduce yourself.

'I'm Y/N, it's lovely to meet you.'

'It's a pleasure meeting you too and Im sorry Luke's dad couldn't make it today but I know he'd love you as much as I do. Now let's get inside properly I bought baby photos!' Liz chuckled.

Luke just groaned, 'really mum? She's only met you once and you're already showing her them?'

'Yes Luke, now come on Y/N there's some really funny ones.'

Luke came over to you and intertwined his hand with yours as you all walked into the small living room. It wasn't awkward at all either, when Luke went and made some drinks; in fact, it already felt like Liz was a second mum and you were probably enjoying the baby photos a bit too much.

Michael: (Yours) 'Y/N they're gonna hate me.'

'No they won't, I've shown them pictures and trust me, they would've said something by now. They are honest like that,' you smirked.

Michael groaned at that last comment. You knew he was scared to meet your parents, not so much your dad as he was always the laid back, tried-to-be-rock-star-but-really-isn't dad, but your mum. She was honest and she liked to say what she was thinking. You knew from the minute you and Michael started dating that she would instantly become over-protective. 'It won't be that bad. Just breathe and all you have to do is be yourself but try not to be dirty. It's just dinner and then we can get back.' You said to him, in attempt to calm his nerves.

Eventually, after 10 minutes of delaying it, you arrived at your parent's house. You heard Michael exhale from next to you and you grabbed onto his hand, every so often telling him that it will be ok. Arriving at the front porch, Michael started to jump and fidget a bit. You gave him a confused look and from what you could make out, he blushed?

'I need to pee-' Michael said in a whisper at the exact same moment the door opened, with both of your parents standing there.

'Toilet is upstairs and to the left, love,' Your mum told him. He nodded and quickly made his way there.

You, Michael and your parents spent the night having a normal family dinner and you could tell that throughout the evening, he was starting to calm down a lot. Of course, your old baby tapes came out, much to the delight of Michael, but the night ended soon and you had to leave. After saying goodbye, you and Michael started to walk back to your home. 'See they loved you and it wasn't too bad, was it?' You asked, while giving him a kiss on his cheek.

'No, it wasn't actually, I quite enjoyed it. And your mum said I was handsome.' Michael replied smugly.

Calum: (His) 'Where are we going?' You wandered aloud.

Calum looked at you and smiled, 'to see my mum and sister.'

You stopped in the middle of the path, causing people to bump into you and giving you evil glares. 'What?'

'My mum and sister are in town and you haven't met my mum yet so we're going to a small cafe and you'll get to meet her!'

You were about to say you didn't want to and that you were going to head back but you could almost see in Calum's eyes how much it meant to him so you agreed. Soon you arrived at the cafe, which also happened to be one of your favourites and you were shaking so much. You didn't really like meeting new people at the best of times. Calum held the door open for you and led you to where they were sitting.

'Calum! Hello son, I've missed you so much. And Y/N it's amazing to finally meet you, both Mali and Calum have been telling me about you so it's about time!'

She invited you for a hug, which you accepted and sat down. You all decided to order a little something for lunch and get drinks.

'I'll pay,' You started to say.

'No, no it's ok, I want, with the way Calum's been going on, my future daughter-in-law to have drinks on me,' Joy teased, her eyes sparkling.

You just laughed along with Mali as you saw Calum blush. But had he really been talking about that sort of stuff? You smiled to yourself about it a bit and noticed that Calum had leaned over to your ear a bit.

'As bad as your thought'd be?'

'No...I think you're mum is the best!' You said genuinely, looking up to Calum, who was really happy.

'She loves you too you know, she's always wanted to meet you.' He whispered.

You smirked, 'Well she'll have to get used to me because with they way you've 'been going on' it looks like I'm gonna be a Hood.'


A/N - Hai this is too long already and I wrote it at 3am so it's rubbish and I might rewrite it but I had to get it done so meh.

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