17 ~ His Favourite (Physical) Feature About You

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His Favourite (Physical) Feature About You:

Ashton: Your hands. Compared to his hands, yours are absloutley tiny and I think he likes the feeling of knowing he's much bigger than you so he can protect you more. No matter where you are, he will always be holding your hand with your fingers intertwined, whether it's in public, or just lazing around. He will always have his hand attached to yours. In fact, you guys will fall asleep holding hands.

Luke: Your hair. Like almost every girl, hair was an important thing to you. It had to be just right before you went out and you would be constantly fixing it and running your hands through it. Luke just loved it and whenever you touched your hair, he'd have a sudden urge to go up to you and start playing with it. He'd try and braid it, put it in a pony tail or just try and brush it. And not forgetting, Luke would be in constant awe when you did your hair and maybe you caught him using your shampoo one day...

Michael: Your smile. It made him smile. Michael could be having the worst day in history but one smile from you would brighten up his whole day. He would watch you when you two were having a movie night and purposely put on comedies, just to see you laugh, something he also loved, and just smile. You used to feel dead paranoid about your smile, but once Michael started to say little things like 'you smile makes me smile' and 'I love your smile nearly as much as I love you' it made you feel much better.

Calum: Your nose. You've always been very conscious of your nose, either you thought it was too big or too small, or just horrible in general but Calum's thoughts about it are completely different. He thinks it is just adorable how your nose will scrunch up when you sneeze or how it will go red when it's cold. Cal also finds it cute when you try to hide your nose in photos but he'll always manage to get at least one where your nose isn't hidden. Finally, he'll give you loads of kisses on your nose, which, to be honest, you weren't about to complain about any time soon!


A/N - meh...

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