2 ~ Your Lock Screen

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Your Lock Screen:

Ashton: It was a picture of Ashton giving you a piggy back in front of the Eiffel Tower. You went there last summer because 5SOS were on your there and it was definitely the best summer of your life.

Luke: It was a picture of Luke while he was singing at one of his concerts. He was looking into the crowd, maybe trying to find you whilst singing The Only Reason. Although this was probably one of the most perfect pictures you had taken and seen, it took you about a hundred times!

Michael: Yours is usually just of Michael and it's rare that it's of you both. But your lock screen is constantly changing whenever Michael dyes his hair. Pretty straight forward picture but you still get to stare at Michael so all is well. Oh and if he dyes his hair while you're not there, he makes it his job to make sure you're the first to get a picture.

Calum: it's a really cute photo of him holding your puppy when you first got it. Simple and effective but you thought there was way too much cuteness in the photo. Now every time you look at it, you just go all mushy and awwwwww 😊


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