52 ~ Decorating For Christmas

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A/N - So some people said I should do a pregnancy series and I want to do one, but I've already done a few pregnancy preferences....so what do you guys think? Should I do one in the new year or not?


Decorating For Christmas:

Ashton: You picked up the heavy box of glass baubles from the end of yours and Ashton's bed and made your way downstairs.
'So I think that's everything now Ash, we just need to put these baubles on the tree and we're done!' You called out but there was no answer. Making your way through to the living room, you looked around to see where Ashton had disappeared.
'Oh I don't think we have everything,' he said, causing you to nearly drop the box.
'Ash! You almost gave me a heart attack! Why are you waiting behind the doorframe anyway?' You asked, retightening your grip on the box.
'Because we forgot this,' he smiled and revealed a piece of mistletoe from behind his back and held it above the two of you, 'and since we're both under it, I think that means we kinda have to kiss.' You both leaned and you, forgetting that you had a box in your hands, placed one hand on his cheek. Suddenly, you heard a loud crash and you broke apart, looking down at the floor.
'Shit,' you muttered.
'Ah, who cares? They're only baubles.' Ashton said, a hint of desperation for the kiss in his voice.
'You're right, we can buy some more,' you said before leaning back in and sharing another kiss.

Luke: 'Err...Y/N?' You heard Luke say as you were adjusting the christmas tree.
'Mmhmm...' You mumbled, not bothering to turn around.
'I, er, need a little help.' You turned around and looked around for Luke, but he wasn't there, 'um, I'm down here.' You looked at the floor, where mountains of decorations had been scattered around. Once you found Luke, you put your hand over your mouth trying to suppress a laugh.
'What happened?' You bit your lip, still trying to hold in laughter, at Luke, who was now tangled with the Christmas lights.
'Well I was trying to get them out of the box an- stop laughing at me Y/N!'
You shook your head and knelt down, freeing him of the lights. He jumped up and gave the lights an evil glare as you untangled them and started placing them around the tree. 'Ok we need to find the angel to put on top of the tree,' you said to Luke.
He looked down at the messy pile of decorations and groaned, 'can't I just put you on top instead? You're a better angel anyway.'
'Wow you get cheesy at Christmas time Hemmings.'
'But you love me...'
'Maybes...but come on, we need to get this tree decorated or no cookies!'
'That's blackmail, actual blackmail...' Luke muttered under his breath.

Michael: 'Michael you can't just eat the gingerbread men, you have to actually help me decorate!'
'But Y/N, they're tasty,' he whined.
'That's not the point Michael, we need to save some for the other boys.'
He groaned and put the uneaten ones back on the plate.
'Now help me decorate,' you said, pointing to the box of decorations.
You picked some decorations out and started placing them around the tree. Michael was fiddling with one of the branches but you just brushed it off and let him get on with whatever he was trying to do. Once he came away, you looked down at the branch, 'Mikey, I'm pretty sure that isn't a dec- wait is that a...? Your jaw dropped at the small, sparkling diamond ring that had been placed upon one of the branches. You looked at Michael, who was now down on one knee, 'Y/N will you marry me?'
He stood up and you virtually jumped up at him and wrapped your arms around him, 'yes!'

Calum: You giggled from the couch as you watched Calum struggle with the Christmas tree.
'It's not funny Y/N.' 'Yes it is.'
'No it's n- OW!'
You started to laugh even harder at Calum, who was dancing around the front room and shouting because one of the little things from the pine tree had poked him. 'You know what?' Calum said, taking a deep breath in, 'I'm a man, I can deal with this.'
You raised your eyebrow at him but didn't say anything. After about half an hour, Calum finally managed to put up the tree but you decided to not mention the fact his jumper was now completely covered. But your laugh gave it away.
'Hey come here you!' Calum shouted playfully. You jumped up from the couch and ran away from him as he chased you up the stairs.
'Don't you want a hug?!'
'Nooo!' You squealed. He managed to catch up with you and you both fell on the bed, Calum wrapped his arms around you and buried his head into your neck.
'Calum stop! That tickles!'
You just heard him laugh as he rolled over and you leant back in his arms, drifting off to sleep but before you fell asleep completely, you heard Calum whisper something.
'Y/N I love you more than you'll ever know, and I promise that this Christmas will be the best Christmas you've ever had.'


A/N - if you wanna, you can follow me on twitter and instagram - both are tortillairwin

QOTD: who's your fav in 5sos?

AOTD: Ashton and Michael 😍

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