14 ~ Your First Date

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What You Do On Your First Date:

Ashton: On your first date, Ashton would try to be a gentleman. He would dress up in a suit without telling you so you'd just turn up in jeans and a hoodie - but he wouldn't really mind. Ashton would then take you to a restaurant and pay for your meal however you find that this isn't the best part about your first date. The best part would be is when Ash would walk you home in the moonlight, with his arm wrapped around you so you don't get cold, and you'd talk about tiny things that had happened in your day. You'd talk about each other and ask one another little questions like 'What's your favourite colour? What food don't you like?' Just silly little things but you knew you'd remember them. You'd then arrive at your house and it's where you'll share your first kiss on the doorstep at precisely midnight. You didn't know it yet, but secretly Ashton had remembered everything about you, from your favourite fruit to the way you laugh to the way you'd cover up your face when you blushed. And from that day, Ash had also decided that, one day, he was gonna marry you.

Luke: Both you and Luke would be really shy on your first date, but it is still wonderful. He would take you to a pizza place, where you'd share a large pizza and then afterwards you would both get ice cream. He would then try and pull the 'you-have-ice-cream-on-your-nose' trick but would fail terribly...considering there was never any ice cream on your face in the first place. But really, he was just trying to find an excuse kiss you. You'd giggle at his attempt at this and Luke would just have this stupid grin on his face because it's the first time he's heard your laugh but he already knows it's the most beautiful thing he's heard. After that, you guys would be just walking in the park, enjoying each other's company and holding hands but you wouldn't talk much - like I said, you were both really shy on the first date. Finally, you'd find a small play park and you'd get Luke to push you on the swings (which he'd later learn are your favourite) and you would be there, happy to find someone like Luke because you really, really liked him and Luke's feelings about you were mutual.

Michael: You were a bit unsure when Michael first asked you out because you were kind of popular at school and loads of guys that had asked you out had only wanted you for popularity - and got it. It upset you a lot because you all you wanted was a genuine guy so it was natural for you to want to say no to Mikey when he asked you. But you didn't. You had a sort of hunch that made you, eventually, say yes. You were quite nervous actually because you weren't sure what to expect at all and you certainly did not want a huge fancy date. And you didn't get one. Michael had invited you around to his house, where he already had pizza and chips and other foods waiting, along with a selection of movies and blankets. During the movies, you'd notice that Michael would keep looking over at you and giving you shy smiles, which sometimes you would also do but not realize and then look down and you'd hear him chuckle to himself. You felt different around Michael, in a good way though, and you knew from the effort put into the date, he was a genuinely nice guy. Also, Michael may never admit it until later on but you were the first girl he was properly interested in and he'd never felt the same way as he did when he was with you.

Calum: Yours and Calum's first date didn't really feel like a date because you'd been friends for so long before you both admitted you liked each other. But an advantage was that it wasn't awkward at all. Calum had arranged that you two got a zoo/theme park for your first date and you couldn't help but feel excited when Calum said that before you arrived. All through your friendship with Calum, you said that you wanted to go the zoo. Was he saving that for your first date together? Yes, but he'd never admit it. You would be walking through the zoo holding hands and eating candy floss, while taking multiple pictures of the adorable animals around you and you even got a picture taken with a koala! Something you'd always wanted to do! About halfway though the day, you and Calum decided you'd go on the rides. Unluckily for you, it was Calum who was choosing all the rides, which happened to be roller coasters, which you absolutely hated! But he held your hand all the way through. It had got to about 10pm, when Calum dragged you to the big, open field, where in front of the moonlight he faced you, leant down and kissed you. The butterflies in your stomach were immense and at that point, there were actual fireworks going off as if Calum had planned them. It was then that you no longer saw Calum as just your best friend....



Ok this is getting quite long so I'm gonna go and it will probably be a shorter preference next time as well :/

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