12 ~ He Finds Your Old Twitter/Tumblr (Ash/Luke)

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He Finds Your Old Twitter/Tumblr:

Ashton: You were having a little rest while the boys were over, having just a general catch up with Ashton. It was the best time to relax, because Ash, Calum, Michael and Luke would be too interested in the football or video games to disturb you. Well...that's what you thought. You'd just managed to drift off to sleep when you heard roars of laughter coming from downstairs. You were about to make your way downstairs, when you heard Mikey shout out, 'ASHTON, BANG ME LIKE YOUR DRUMS' and 'ASHTON, I LOVE YOU WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME?' And then Calum (whilst in fits of laughter) shout 'oh my god this is priceless, Y/N had a fan account, where'd you find it Ashton?''

You could feel yourself going bright red.

'A fan sent it to me, I need to go ask Y/N about it!!'

You then tiptoed quickly and quietly back to your bedroom, pretedning to be asleep. Ashton suddenly burst through the door but you heard him turn arund shouting to the boys, 'Ah not today guys, she's alseep but TOMORROW I WILL ASK!'

Well, tomorrow you had a lot of explaining to do.

Luke: You had just come back from a run, when you opened the door to Luke standing there with a laptop held in his hands. 'Hey, Luke, what are you doing there with...' Your eyes widened as you realized, ' MY LAPTOP! GET BACK HERE NOW LUCAS!'


See, you're a HUGE fangirl and you always have been but that had to stop being so obvious when you met Luke. So you had to secretly run a fan account, a blog and write fanfics without Luke knowing.

Luke ran out of the hallway and you chased him straight through and up to your bedroom.

'Luke, why do you even have my laptop? TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING AT?'

'Well,' He started 'I was borrowing your laptop to download an album because mine is at Mikey's and then I saw this twitter page open, which is obviously your fan account, and then I saw your tumblr? open and then I read one of your stories...Well let's say that in going to be borrowing your laptop a lot more now!' He said with an amused tone.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, you thought, 'LUKE HEMMINGS IF YOU DO NOT GIVE ME BACK MY LAPTOP THE PENGUIN GETS IT'

'Ok, ok, ok' He passed you back your laptop and grabbed his penguin swiftly from the bed 'Do anything you want but don't threaten the penguin!'

Guess who later changed their laptop password?


A/N - I've only done ash and Luke's because I didn't save it after I wrote malum's soooo it kinda died... I will hopefully get it posted on Friday though!

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

Oh and if ......... @imirwinsgirl .......... is reading this, I will post your imagine on Friday :)

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