35 ~ Late Night Converstaions

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Late Night Conversations:

Ashton: 'What do you think you're gonna do after the bands finished. Like I'm talking about 30-odd years from now?' You asked one night, while you and Ashton were laying in bed.

'I don't know, I mean, obviously settled down with a family - married - and kids and a dog and still friends with the boys.' He glanced over at you, the moonlight illuminating his features.

'With who?'


'Why me Ashton?'

'What? I love you Y/N that's why.'

'No, no why did you pick me again? I'm not even lying when I say there are millions of people you could of got and yet, me.' You frowned, letting out a small yawn.

'I think someone's a little tired, but I chose you because you chose me. Not a lot of people are willing to love me for me, except you.'

You smiled to yourself as you leaned on Ashton's chest, starting to fall asleep to his heartbeat. 'I love you Ash.'

Luke: 'Why can't cows fly? I mean like it's a little unfair that just because they're a little bit bigger than chickens doesn't mean they can't fly.' You slurred.

'Y/N what did you even have to drink when you were out?' Luke said, trying to hold in a laugh.


He just have you a confused look, 'moo?'

'Moo.' You smiled brightly. You continued to answer 'moo' to any of Luke's questions or repeatedly say it, as if it were in a sentence.

'C'mon Y/N you're gonna regret it if you don't go to sleep soon.' Luke advised.

'I moo you Luke,' you said, stifling a yawn. 'Wait does that sound bad?'

'...Umm...no...I moo you too Y/N,' Luke whispered, giving you a kiss on the forehead.

Michael: 'I know you're asleep Y/N..ok that's a lie, you're probably on Tumblr.'

You rolled over and raised your eyebrows, 'Actually I'm reading a fanfic.'

'A wha- in fact I don't wanna know. Anyway. Y/N I wouldn't of said all of this if I wasn't tired because you know, I'm not really one to talk about things but...Basically I love you a lot. Never so much in my life have I loved somebody and I hope one day that we can,' he paused to yawn, 'what was I talking about?' He finished, yawning again.

You smiled to yourself, did he want to get married one day?

'Why're you smiling Y/N?'

'Were you about to say what I think you were about to say?' You smirked.

'That I want to marry you one day? Yes.'

You kissed him on the lips, 'yeah, I want that too.'

Calum: 'C'mon let's go for a walk,' Calum said randomly one night.

'Cal, it's like 2am...'

'Are you tired?'

'No bu-'

'Well then, let's go!' He said, grabbing your hand. You grabbed your hoodie and started walking down to the familiar park.

'Y/N is that hate getting too much?'

'No of course not why?' You asked confused.

'It's just, fans were tweeting me about you and it was when you went quiet for a little and we didn't talk cause you were sick and I just though maybe...'

'No, no, no Calum! The hate is nothing. Now if I'm not bothering about it, so neither should you!'

'I won't I just didn't realize how harsh it seemed and then I saw you're replies to some of it and thought, damn I have a feisty girlfriend.'

You turned to face him and did a 'z-click' , 'and you know it honey.' You both tried to keep straight faces but ended up bursting into laughter.


A/N - and my creativity is gone, gone tonight...

I'm sorry. I had to.

But seriously school = rubbish updates :/

You guys ok? 💃

🌸 fan, vote, comment, stay beautiful

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