My Name is Trouble

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"She keeps telling me I'm gonna like the rodeo" -Emily Fields

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"She keeps telling me I'm gonna like the rodeo" -Emily Fields

When Isabel heard the last girl leave in the girls' bathroom, her, Spencer, Hanna, and Aria burst out of the stalls.

"Whoo, we gotta find a better place to do this," Aria remarked, walking over to where Emily was drying her hands. "Somewhere preferably with a fan."

"Good luck," Isabel scoffed. "Until your guys' parents allow us to talk in public, this is the only way."

"Why don't we dig a tunnel under the school?" Emily scoffed. She handed them a letter from a scout from Danby. Supposedly, he could prevent Emily from moving to Texas, but he wouldn't send her mom a conformation letter.

"Uh, yeah, not with those hands," Hanna replied, raising an eyebrow. "You need some serious moisturizer."

"This letter isn't that bad, Em," Isabel shrugged, skimming over it.

"It's bad," Emily disagreed.

"Won't your mom be impressed this guy even took the time to write?" Aria frowned as Isabel handed her the letter.

"Here, use this. It cost more than my purse," Hanna said as she handed Emily her moisturizer.

"Guys, it's a 'maybe' letter," Emily sighed. "My mom needs to see something real, something that says 'Let her stay in Rosewood. We want her. Don't take her to Texas.'"

"Em, there are other colleges," Aria assured her.

"Yeah, other scouts will want you," Spencer nodded.

"When? My mom's already packed up the whole kitchen," Emily scoffed. "She keeps telling me I'm gonna 'like the rodeo.'

"Let's just do this later, okay?" Isabel said as the bell rang, and students flooded the halls outside. Suddenly, her phone beeped.

The girls exchanged a worried look- 'A'?

'Wanna meet up at the Grille after school?' -Jason

"Who's that?" Aria asked as they saw Isabel smile when she read the letter. "Mike? I hear you two are on speaking terms again. He's hoping you'll ask him out." True, they were speaking again, but Isabel had no idea that he still liked her. Maybe she'd text him, asking him out, later.

"Uh, yeah," Isabel lied, shutting her phone off. Spencer was still very suspicious of Jason, Emily thought he was a freak, and Hanna would've teased her about it.

"Um, can we finish this after school?" Hanna suggested.

"I can't today. I've got field hockey," Spencer sighed.

"I have swim practice," Emily chipped in.

"I'm starting my class at Hollis," Aria added. They all looked at her strangely.

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