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"Fuck. Is this how it was before? Do you think she'll notice if—"

"Oh my god, stop it you absolute terror," Aaron says, hobbling over to Charlotte's freshly made bed and sitting down. I'd say something about the creased sheets if he weren't currently injured. Running a hand through my hair, I do a lap of the room again, making sure everything is clean, organized, and ready for her return.

"It's as though he's preparing for a visit from the Queen," Aaron says to Reed and I choose to ignore him, taking a breather like they all want me to do. Even Maddie stands in the corner of the room. She's on her phone and didn't do a thing to help, but I think she's here more as a show of support anyway.

Reed pats my shoulder. "She'll appreciate it. But I'm still showing her the video I took earlier." I groan.

"She'll love it. I bet she thinks you're adorable when you're flustered," Farris says and I roll my eyes.

"Alright, I get it. I'm done. I'm sitting. See?" I gesture to the chair and make a big show of sitting in it.

"When are you going to get her?" Lucy asks and I look at the time on my phone, immediately standing up and rushing to the door.

"I'll take that as now," I hear Aaron say before the door closes behind me and I'm off the pick Charlotte up from the hospital. On the way to my car, I get a text from her, saying that she's got all the forms and that I'm authorized to sign her out as her caretaker. She's still on watch, but her tests have all come back with positive results and her doctor thinks she'll rest better at home, or in this case, her dorm.

"Can we just stay here for a second?" Charlotte asks me when I get out of the car after pulling it up to the pick-up zone. She's in a wheelchair with her hair in a simple braid that her nurse must have been kind enough to do for her. I look over her pale skin, hardly any of it visible because her clothing is meant more for northern Fall weather and not Florida's year-round heat.

With my help, she stands and we walk to the passenger side of the car, I can't help myself when I wrap my arms around her, scooping up her legs and depositing her in the seat rather than letting her struggle to do it herself. She gives me an exasperated look but I return it with a quick kiss on the cheek, doing up her seatbelt before closing the door and rounding the car to my side.

"Alexander. Now would be the time to go," Charlotte says and I purse my lips, putting the car into gear and slowly pulling out of the lot. "You're very hesitant," She points out and I nod.

"I'm just worried. You won't have any doctors or nurses within arms reach in your dorm."

"Good thing I won't need them there," She says confidently and I nod, appreciating her confidence in light of my lack of it.

"Right. I just need to get used to it."

"Aren't you happy that I'll be back?" She asks.

My head whips to look at her briefly before focusing back on the road. "Of course. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy about this." I put my hand on her leg and give it a squeeze. "I just don't know about all of this. No matter how much I look up, it always changes. I can't control any of this and I just have to sit along for the ride, waiting for the professionals to tell me when it's okay or not."

She nods. "Well, consider me a professional because I've been down this road before. I'll be good. I just need some real food, to sleep in my bed and a sense of normalcy. I want to enjoy my boyfriend a little because I've never had one before. And I want to see my puppy."

"None of that should be hard to accomplish. I'll make a list. As soon as your doctor clears it with you, I'll bring Moony over but for now, you can settle on these guys," I say as I pull into the lot in front of her building, revealing the small crowd of friends gathered to greet her, decked out in masks and gloves. Maddie decided to keep Moony at home because we thought it would be too hard for Charlotte to see her without getting close.

"Oh," She says, putting a hand over her mouth.

"I'm surprised you're surprised. Of course, everyone came," I tell her, reaching for her hand after I park the car in front of the doors and the group and giving it a kiss before I step out to get Charlotte's door for her, shooing Reed off as she tries to open it before I can get there.

"Welcome back, roomie," Reed says, holding back from giving Charlotte a hug as I help her out of the car and hold her waist to steady her, even if she doesn't need it.

Charlotte is grinning, happier than I've seen her in so long and I can't help but stare, neck craning to the right to look down at her and gawp. Charlotte holds her arms out for Reed and the two of them embrace; I don't have the heart to tell them they shouldn't.

Aaron watches on with a small smile on his face and his eyes are full of warmth, identical to Charlotte's in a way that is sometimes unnerving. Charlie doesn't give out hugs to anyone else though I can tell she's just itching to. Even Maddie has her head up now, standing beside Aaron with their arms touching.

"Thank you, You don't know how lovely it is to see you all at once, outside nonetheless," Charlotte smiles at everyone softly, holding her hands together in front of her.

Farris groans. "This fucking blows. So happy you're out, but we really just need a big group hug," He says.

"We really don't," Maddison snickers and promptly ignores the glare she receives from him.

"Soon. I won't be quarantined like this forever. I should probably be wearing this as well..." Charlotte holds up her white surgical mask, hesitating to cover her face again.

"We can keep our distance. Why don't you leave it off?" I offer, knowing that her chest has been bothering her a bit since the surgery. Her doctor assured me it was normal when I interrogated and pestered him with questions.

Charlotte shrugs. "I guess I should say goodbye to you all now," She says sadly. Everyone waves except for Reed who follows us up to their room. "Thank god I can keep you both close. If either of you get sick I'll kill you."

I laugh. "You can snuggle the two of us all you want while you're on lockdown. I'll be holed up in here studying for exams anyway. You may have an extension but I'll still need your help."

Charlotte rolls her eyes. "I'm so behind it's not even funny. The only thing I could help you with is providing attention."

"Well, I won't say no to that. But seriously, I know you underestimate yourself but you are a big help to me," I tell her and her beautiful eyes soften as she looks up at me. A sudden fit of coughing breaks our eye contact and I rush to her side and help her get settled into her bed.

"You made—the bed—" I cut her off.

"Stop trying to talk. Here, water," I accept the glass Reed rushed to fill up and hold it up for Charlotte to drink. Her eyes meet mine again, full of appreciation and she's okay after a couple of sips.

"You alright?" I ask and she nods.

"Cheers," She says, grateful but exasperated as well.

"I know you're sick of being sick, but hang in there."

"Will do," She sighs. Reed and I share a look and decide to give her some space. I back off after placing a soft kiss on the top of Charlotte's head.

"Why don't I let you get some rest and come back later? I can study and you can watch something," I offer and she nods tiredly.

"Studying with you won't kill me. Bring all your books over and we can make a night of it. Order pizza—" She stops herself before I have to. Pursing my lips, I think of another option.

"Why don't I cook something and bring it over?" As soon as the words leave my lips Charlotte smiles up at me sweetly, obviously appreciating the gesture. She nods.

"You two take care," I say as I open the door and walk through, taking one last look at the gorgeous blonde in her bed and the brunette trying not to hover above her off to the side near her own. The sight of Charlotte back in her own space brings a smile to my face. 

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