5 - Time to go rat hunting

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Gou Dzing's face lit up like a puppy being offered a treat. "Really?"

Sek Gon, on the other hand, had a face like one of the Four Heavenly Kings about to enter battle. He maintained a cold, dignified silence.

"Hey." Gou Dzing threw a friendly arm around Sek Gon's shoulders. "It really isn't so bad."

"Easy for you to say."

"What made you change your mind?"

"We need information."

"So why didn't you ask me to investigate?"

The two men stared at each other.

For the first time, Gou Dzing caught a glimpse of Sek Gon's eyes. A dark grey, flecked with chips of silver that flashed and glittered, like a winter lake. "Pretty..."

Sek Gon slammed his forehead straight into Gou Dzing's nose.

Gou Dzing, flat on the floor with his hands clutching his bleeding nose, looked up to find a murderous glint in those 'pretty' eyes, and that Sek Gon had half-drawn his dou.

"It seems like you have a death wish, Young Master Gou..."


"What are you two doing?" Chan Bik demanded when she left the children's room a few minutes later to find Sek Gon and Gou Dzing apparently playing a game of tag around the courtyard, although Sek Gon had his sword out and Gou Dzing was frantically dodging swipes by hiding behind pillars.

"Lady Bik! Help!"

"Wha... Sek Gon! Cut it out!"

The courtyard was chaos. The restless sleepers were awakened by the noise, and half-relieved, half-infuriated, they emerged from their sleeping quarters to watch.

"Wait... Sir Sek... Everyone's here now – shouldn't we take advantage of that and interview them?"

Sek Gon finally re-sheathed his sword with a loud clack. "... you're doing it."

"... okay."

Just don't kill me!


"It's not me," Se Sue said anxiously, tugging at the sleeve of the robe he had thrown over his sleepwear.

"We're not saying you are," Gou Dzing replied placatingly.

"Aren't we?" Sek Gon muttered.


The three of them were sat in one of the side rooms of the house, or more accurately, Gou Dzing and Se Sue were sat opposite each other while Sek Gon sat dramatically by an open window, the early dawn breeze stirring his hair.

"Is he alright?" Se Sue whispered to Gou Dzing, who had a wad of cotton in each nostril to stem his nosebleed. "Are... you alright?"

"Uh... I think I offended him earlier. Anyway, have you been experiencing these dreams as well?"

"Yes... Gods... I..." A haunted look appeared on Se Sue's face. "The mice eat me alive... starting... starting with..."

Gou Dzing and Sek Gon blinked at him, uncomprehending.

Se Sue made a gesture, something between a downwards sweep and an indication of something long. Gou Dzing's expression immediately became one of highly uncomfortable comprehension.

"What?" Sek Gon frowned.

"Ahem, so in the dream the mice eat... When does the dream end?"

"Well they eat... uh, and then my hands, and then my face... and I... just... just lie there bleeding out... until I wake up." Se Sue's attractive face had lost its colour.

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