20 - Some people just can't learn

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Yooo, Chapter 20!

What's this, a bonus chapter?

Well, after running late with the previous chapter, and also putting out an extra chapter for At the Water's Edge, I decided I wanted to try and keep all my stories running at the same pace. So here's a bonus chapter for this week.


"It was amazing! Cliffs, tens of lei tall, with phoenix nests all the way up, and the phoenixes themselves all shining like flames. I got to hold some of the chicks in my hands. They were so cute and small and warm! I wish you could have held them too."

"I probably couldn't." Zeng Baak-hap smiled, then coughed, a rattle in her lungs. She had woken with a sore throat and a slight temperature. "You can do it because of your Fire abilities. Can you show me what you learned?"

Can Bik produced the tiny point of light again, and Zeng Baak-hap stared at it wonderingly.

"I can feel the heat coming off it. And it's... actually so bright. I can't look at it for very long." Se blinked, her eyes already watering. "It's like a little star."

"Are you going to be okay to travel?" Can Bik held a hand to Zeng Baak-hap's forehead and the other to her own.

"Haha, you're not leaving me behind that easily. It was hard enough getting this far." She smiled and her narrow eyes turned to crescents.

"That mole under your eye..."

"Hm? What about it?"

"Uh... N-nothing. I, uh, wonder where Gaam si hing went?"

Zeng Baak-hap coughed. "Apparently the Grandmaster asked him to look for someone."


"I don't know. Master... Maan Ji King wouldn't tell me."

"That bitch!"

"Can si mui! You can't say that..."

"So why are you smirking behind your sleeve?"

They giggled and nudged each other until Zeng Baak-hap started coughing again.

"Sorry, Si ze."

"That's... ugh... okay."

"Si ze, what happened?"

"Lady Maan... I don't know why, but she seems... ha... very driven. And she also seems to forget about the limitations of others." She uncomfortably cleared her throat.

"She bullied you. I don't care if she's a divine dragon or whatever, she treated you really badly. How dare she!"

"Are you going to tell her off for me, Can si mui?"

"I would if Grandmaster didn't," Can Bik huffed. "But she and Lady Gong already seemed like they weren't going to let her off."

"You'd really go and shout at a dragon, Bik mui?"

"Of course I would! Just because she's a loong – No, it's even worse! She's in a position of power, I bet she took advantage of that, thinking you wouldn't dare to tell anyone what she was doing. The... arrogance! I'm glad Gou si hing said something."

"So am I. I was so tired, I couldn't even think straight."

"Did she make you work without taking any breaks?"

"Mm." Zeng Baak-hap tried to clear her throat and went into a coughing fit. Can Bik gave her hot water to drink until her coughing stopped. "It just seemed like I couldn't do anything right. If I finished a task, it wasn't fast enough, so I had to do the next one faster. If I made the mistake, it was like I had personally offended her mother. But strangely... she seemed desperate. I don't know why, but she seems to want to try to prove something."

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