22 - Fight me

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A/N: Huh, what's this? A Saviour chapter on a day other than Friday? So... I decided with NaNoWriMo and he Writeathon on this month, I wanted to join in some way. But since one requires a new story and the other requires only ONE story... and I have four (Eitsu's Nine Lives only on Wattpad and Scribblehub!), I would instead set myself the challenge of writing at least 8 chapters for each of my 4 stories over the next 5 weeks. To make it possible for myself, I will be posting those 32 chapters at random, so there might be 2 chapters in a row for Saviour and then 1 for each story, followed by 3 for Ginseng and Yew, for example.

Anyway, let's see how long I can keep this up before I pass out. Enjoy!


"Uh? Huh? Me?"

"Do you see any other Gou Zings around here?"

"Fair point."


"Well, I guess we're pretty comfortable? We're a well-known family..."

"'Comfortable', he says," Can Bik scoffed. "One of your uncles is an advisor to the King of Sek'syun, isn't he? I've heard Gam go mention him."

"A few of my family members are officials, yeah..."

"Geez, what are you being so awkward about?" Zeng Baak-hap waved a piece of pickled white radish at him admonishingly.

"I just... don't want the three of you to feel..."

"That we're poor?" Gaam Juk Jing asked succinctly, causing Gou Zing to spit out his tea.

"Just buy us lots of good food with all that money, okay?" Can Bik suggested cheerfully. "I wouldn't mind my own personal weapon, either.... And some nicer clothes..."

"Uh... Sure..."

"What's your family like, Bik si mui?"

"Oh, well Gou si hing and Gaam si hing have already met them, so they can help me explain, but there's Mother, and Father, and Dad Se-"

"Wait, you have two fathers?"

Gou Zing helped Can Bik explain the situation, and Zeng Baak-hap tried hard not to laugh.

"Zeng si ze, what about your family?"

"Well... I don't really remember my parents. I arrived at Mount Faa when I was about ten years old, I think. My brother was only very young. Perhaps a few months old?"

Can Bik almost dropped her chopsticks. "You have a brother?"

"Yes, his name's Baak Gat(1). He's in the Still Heart School."

"Still Heart?" Gou Zing asked, eyes gleaming. "What are his skills like?"

"Oh, no, I don't think he's at the level to become a direct disciple, Gou si hing. Sorry."

"Why didn't you tell us about him before?" Can Bik asked quietly.

"We're... not really that close, I guess. I never really see him, and we're ten years apart in age, after all."

"I still can't believe you didn't say anything," Can Bik grumbled. "Anything else you're hiding?"

"I wasn't 'hiding' anything, Can Bik."

"Don't get so angry, si mui-"

"I'm not angry!"

"I am."

"Why?" Gaam Juk Jing asked. He was wolfing down most of the food while everyone argued.

"I can't believe Can Bik accused me of hiding things," Zeng Baak-hap snapped. "I thought we were supposed to be... f-friends. As if I would do something so mean-spirited. Do you think I'm some sort of malicious bitch?"

I'm really not the Saviour! (我唔係救主囖!) [danmei/BL xuanhuan]Where stories live. Discover now