14 - This story is now a school drama

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A day at the Mount Faa Sect usually went like this:

The disciples would rise at the hour of the rabbit(1) to meditate for half an hour. Following this, they would warm up their bodies through hing-gung(2) practice and a ten lei jog, before preparing for breakfast in the last quarter of the rabbit hour. Following breakfast, they would tidy the school, starting with the common areas before moving to the dormitories. Mornings were devoted to physical education, with disciples split up under different tutors according to their skill levels.

After lunch, disciples took lesson in intellectual pursuits, this time divided by topic of interest. Medicinal arts, diplomacy and public relations, logistics, and creative arts were all provided through each school's own unique lens. Finally, after dinner, the disciples would undertake cultivation practice until bed time at the central hour of the pig(3). The only variations to this schedule occurred every eighth day, when the disciples had a day free to rest, or if some large event was happening or some important visitor present.

A day at Mount Faa with Gaam Juk Jing, previously Sek Gon, present went like this:

His bed would be empty before anyone else had risen, but nobody knew where he had gone. He was always the first in line for breakfast, and when it was his turn for cooking duty, the only thing he has trusted with was slicing certain foods, since he had a tendency to start munching on anything that could be eaten raw. Then he would disappear again before physical education classes started. It was usually at this point that Gou Zing would be summoned from the Mountain School to track him down and bring him back. They had tried to get him to teach some classes, but given that his dialogue consisted of:

1. "...";

2. "No." (with no further explanation forthcoming); or

3. An absolute onslaught of words that had the listener begging him to stop;

it seemed that perhaps teaching was not an area that he excelled in, despite his skills and Gou Zing's optimism.

Depending on how long it took to track him down, Gaam Juk Jing would either be pressed into service by one of the other disciples of the Reflective Arts School to provide demonstrations of various techniques, or, if lunch was over (and he never skipped lunch), Gou Zing would sit him down in the Discipline Hall and make him practice writing. After dinner, he would usually disappear again, unless Gou Zing took him on a patrol or Can Bik sneaked over to visit everyone.

A day at Mount Faa with Gaam Juk Jing present, and Gou Zing absent, because with the Grandmaster travelling, he was the face of the Way of the Mountain School, and the Jade Exorcist, so of course he had to deal with matters large and small that demanded his attention, went like this:

Gaam Juk Jing was only seen at mealtimes, and was otherwise elusive as quicksilver. No one could find him.

The day after the bestowing of Gaam Juk Jing's new name, the party disbanded.

Gaam Bing had already disappeared by the time the sun rose the next day. He left behind a lot of empty wine bottles and a message with the Grandmaster: "Tell my silly disciple that if he insists on keeping that sword, at least get it tidied up. It's a disgrace."

And then the Grandmaster left herself, no doubt with some plan forming in her mind as to how to retrieve Ling Gwong.

Gou Zing had enough time to direct the smithy to carefully, and sparing no expense, repair Gaam Juk Jing's sword, before he too was off, replacing the Grandmaster at a sect conference.

At first the mastersmith raised an eyebrow at the grubby blade, and handed it to one of his disciples to clean and sharpen.

The disciple returned a few minutes later. The sword had sliced the horn off an anvil like hot metal through snow, without any sign of damage to blade.

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