19 - Where's the MC gone?

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Here we go! I managed to get together the chapter. Sorry for the delay, everyone following along at home!


"Zeng si mui?"

"Oh, Gou si hing. How are you?"

Two days before they were due to leave, Gou Zing stepped into the room where Zeng Baak-hap had been secluding herself, almost immediately stepping on piles of paper that were strewn across the floor. The young woman herself sat in the middle of them, her head resting on one hand. Or perhaps more accurately, her head was clutched in her hand – stray hairs escaped her long plait from where she had been excessively rubbing her head.

"You sound tired, and you look pale. Take a break."

"I wish I could, but there's so much that still needs to be done. I've been trying to read all of the research that exists on demons, but... urgh, who wrote this? It sounds like a small child going on a school trip around the neighbourhood! And there's hardly any information..."

"So if there's hardly anything, you won't find more if you keep staring. Come on, Zeng si mui, you look exhausted. You can't start such an important expedition like this."

She put down the document she had been holding and rubbed at the back of her hands anxiously. The skin was pink and raw looking, as if she had been doing the same thing over and over.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean, what's wrong?"

"Don't be like that. I think I've known you long enough to tell when something's wrong."


"Zeng Baak-hap, what- Oh, Disciple Gou Zing, how are you?"

"Disciple Gou Zing greets Lady Maan Ji King."

"Master, not Lady."

"Apologies, Master."

Maan Ji King flowed through the room without disturbing a single page on the floor to deposit even more on what could be seen of the table. "I see you have broken though to the Third Daan-tin."

"Huh? Gou si hing, when did you...?"

"See?" Even in the gloomy interior of the underground room, gold shimmered in Gou Zing's eyes.

"Amazing." Zeng Baak-hap grabbed Gou Zing's face and stared into his eyes with professional curiosity. "Has Gaam si hing seen them yet?"

"Actually, I have no idea where he is. I thought you might know."

"Gaam Juk Jing has been given a task, as you all have," Maan Ji King said archly. Her finger impatiently tapped the pile of pages she had just brought. "Disciple Gou Zing, I'm afraid we're a little busy here."

"When was the last time you took a break, Master Maan?"

"There is no need."

"Perhaps not for you, Master, but Zeng si mui-"

"Are you telling me how to teach my own disciple, Gou Zing?"

"Master Maan, you are a dragon with centuries of experience and wisdom. I have been on this earth less than three decades. If there is some great plan that I am failing to grasp due to my inexperience, I beg you to enlighten me, because I do not understand why you will not permit-"

"No, you don't understand. And you probably never will. I know your type."

Gou Zing stared at her in utter confusion. "Master Maan-"

"You're dismissed."



Gou Zing and Zeng Baak-hap exchanged bewildered looks. Maan Ji King's powerful aura washed over them, making Zeng Baak-hap shiver and back up against a wall. Gou Zing's Earth nature was holding him in better condition, but he was still only a human who had broken through to his Third Daan-tin.

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