38 - Are you really that desperate to be cannon fodder?

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"What am I going to do with you all?" Wong Tang sighed.

She now had two disciples in the medical tent with their eyes bound, entirely more cheerful than they had any right to be.

"Gou Si-hing, I did it!"

"You're amazing, Bik Si-mui! You picked up your sight arts so quickly!"

"Take that, Teem Djeung Baak!" Chan Bik challenged into thin air. "I'll get you-"

Gaam Yuk Ying tapped the back of her knee and she collapsed back onto the bed. "Rest."

"Gaam Si-hing-"


"Ugh. Where's Cheng Si-dze?"

"She's still out with Lau Yan speaking to the local demons. Little Gaam?"

"Divine Majesty."

"We're going scouting. Get ready and come with me."

"I'm ready."

"Dzit Dzan Faan!"

A loong soldier, a stocky man with a well-groomed beard, entered the tent and saluted. Chan Bik stared at him curiously.

"Greetings, great disciples, I am Dzit Dzan Faan, Second-in-Command of the Third Head."

"The what?"

"The Third Head is one of the battalions of the Ocean Emperor, Tin Yeung Wong," he explained patiently. "All of the soldiers here are from the Third Head."

"I thought this was your army, Grandmaster. Who's Tin Yeung Wong?" Chan Bik said. "Sir Dzit, are there other male loong? You're the first one I've met. And how many Heads are there?"

"My own army?" Wong Tang laughed. "That sounds like a lot of work. Tin Yeung Wong is one of my daughters-"

"You have more than one daughter?"

"She keeps the balance in the oceans around the Five Kingdoms. As for male loong..." Wong Tang chewed the end of her pipe thoughtfully. "... I've met one or two."

"There are nine Heads," Dzit Dzan Faan supplied helpfully. "The First Head guards the Emperor, the Second Head guards the palace, and the Third Head are the elites of the army."

Chan Bik's brow was furrowed. Dzi Dzan Faan was about to explain the remaining Heads when she said, "So are loong polygamous?"

"Uh... why... I don't quite understand the question, Miss Chan."

"If there are only a few men and lots of women, then how else do you have babies?" Chan Bik demanded. Gou Dzing had his face buried in the bedsheets, stifling his laughter. Gaam Yuk Ying appeared to have fallen asleep to avoid the awkwardness of the conversation.

"Ah... you're assuming that loong have the same reproductive systems as humans," Dzit Dzan Faan said, looking awkward.

"They don't?"

"They don't," he replied.

"They don't," Wong Tang confirmed.

"Why are we talking about this, again?" Gaam Yuk Ying asked, eyes still closed.

"Oh..." Chan Bik bowed rapidly and apologetically. "I'm sorry! That's such a weird topic! How did we even get here..?"

"It all started when you-"

"Shut it, Gou Si-hing."

Leaving the two temporarily blind disciples to bicker, Gaam Yuk Ying, Wong Tang, and Dzi Dzan Faan left the tent.

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