26 - Package Tour

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The moment she was told the news, Gong Lau Jan rushed after Tim Zoeng-baak.

"Will she find her?" Can Bik asked, scratching anxiously at her arms. "Will she be safe?"

"She will be fine," the Grandmaster assured her, but Can Bik was looking at Gaam Juk Jing with a strange expression on her face. "Little Can, do you understand the relationship between the Five Elements?"

Can Bik pulled her eyes back to Wong Tang. "Yes, Grandmaster. Each element generates another, and each element destroys another. Each element weakens another, and each element exploits another."

"And so, which element is most destructive of Metal?"


"Good. Now you can see here. Although Tim Zoeng-baak is at the cusp of Third Daan-tin, and your Gaam si hing is a Third Daan-tin Adept, the elemental match up was bad." She bent down to look Can Bik in the eyes and spoke gently. "You understand, this means Gaam si hing is so strong that he could take on a Second Daan-tin Expert on the cusp of entering Third Daan-tin Novice, with an element that is destructive of his own, and win."

"I wish I had the Water element," Can Bik said glumly. "I could deal with that... with her... if I did."

"Earth weakens Fire too," said Gou Zing hoarsely. He hadn't spoken since Tim Zoeng-baak had disappeared. His strong brows knitted fiercely.

"Little Gou."

Gou Zing did not answer his Master.

"Gou Zing."

"Yes, Master..."

"There is nothing you could have done. You were not there."

"... Yes, Master."

"Have your sword sent back to Mount Faa to be repaired. Hurry. We need to be in the Zyu capital, Ming Jyut, in two days."

"Master, if I send Juk Jing away, I won't have a weapon."

Wong Tang took the blackened, damaged gim from where it lay beside Gou Zing. Without flinching, she the blade slowly until it snapped in half. "Gou Zing, have you forgotten everything?"

Her disciple stared at the broken pieces.

"Are you now useless because this piece of metal is gone?"

"... No, Master."

"Good. Gou Zing, you are not useless."

"... Yes... Yes, Master." Gou Zing bowed, picked up the pieces, and hurried away.

"Do you think I was too harsh, Little Zeng?" the Grandmaster asked of Zeng Baak-hap, as she retrieved her pipe from her sleeve and began to carefully fill it.

"You know your disciple better than I, Grandmaster. And you have much experience than I in teaching."

"Do I?"

"Although I suspect your method of teaching through striking your students with questions is probably very irritating to some."

Wong Tang laughed. "No doubt. What should I have done instead?"

"It's my turn – Why are you asking me, Grandmaster?"

"Because, Little Zeng, you are the one who grew up with Gou Zing. You studied with him, ate meals with him, sometimes got punished with him..."

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