27 - Dear Diary...

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Saam Lam, the pine forest of the Kingdom of Zyu, forms a broad, protective shield around the kingdom. The forest has a kind of hushed tranquillity, dappled light falling through the pine needles to a carpet of flowers below. Even in winter, I am told, flowers bloom here.

I grew up on Mount Faa, the mountain of flowers, where plum blossoms rain from the sky in spring, azaleas froth in summer, chrysanthemum burst forth in autumn, and wintersweet perfumes the air in winter.

I have never seen such flowers as those that grow in Zyu. I'll remember them for a long time.


"What are you writing, Zeng si mui?" Gou Zing asked, peering at the page.

"I thought it would be good to write down my travel experiences," Zeng Baak-hap explained. "I was going to start when we were at Juk-hoi, but things go so... busy. I'll have to write things down quickly before I forget them. It'll be good to read back over it when we get back home."

"That's a great idea." Can Bik chewed her finger contemplatively. "Maybe I should do that too..."

"Do you think you could keep it up?" Zeng Baak-hap teased. "Give it a day and you'll already be bored."

Can Bik made a face. "Don't make fun of me. I do try to stick with things, it's just so hard..."

"Okay, okay. Have a read of this, Bik mui, see what else I should add."

"Write about me!" Saam Lei demanded, his light brown eyes big and pleading. He fluffed out his tails until Zeng Baak-hap and Can Bik squirmed with delight.

"Don't be fooled," Gong Lau Jan laughed, back in human form. "This guy is over a thousand years old. He's an old man!"

"I am not," Saam Lei huffed. "See this?"

There was a puff of smoke and a little girl stood where the fox had been, abundant red-brown hair framing a heart-shaped face. The contrast between her light brown eyes and tanned skin was striking. She held out small hands to Zeng Baak-hap.

"Ze ze, pick me up!"

Before anyone could move, Gong Lau Jan grabbed the fox spirit by the back of his neck and shook him lightly. "Change into your usual humanoid form."

"Why? Do you like it so much?"

"Yes, you're very handsome."

The little girl blushed at this unexpected compliment. "Well, I guess I'll have to, for my beloved Jan Jan..."

The girl's body grew taller, lost its feminine shape and took on a distinctly masculine one. Within moments, a tall man stood beside Gong Lau Jan, a broad-shouldered, suavely-dressed character with his long red-brown hair tied like the tail of a fox. His light-brown eyes lazily drifted over his audience. "Good?"

"Not bad," Gou Zing said appraisingly. "His face could give Se Syu some competition."

"So is this your type?" Zeng Baak-hap teased, as if she were a fox spirit herself.

"Juk Jing is my type," Gou Zing said loyally. "What do you think, Juk- Juk Jing?"

Gaam Juk Jing was staring at Saam Lei's human form in a similar manner to how he had watched Se Syu when they had first met. It was Gou Zing's turn to be anxious. Did Juk Jing like pretty men? Gou Zing prodded his own face. He'd been told he was quite handsome, but what if it wasn't enough?

"Can I learn how to do that?" Gaam Juk Jing asked. Everyone choked.

"What? Why?"

"Juk Jing, you're pret- handsome enough, you don't need to learn these things!"

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