9 - Run!

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Sek Gon considered this offer.

And then he threw Chan Bik over his shoulder, and ran away.

There's no way anyone is staying and playing with you, you lunatic!

Teem Djeung Baak looked stunned for a few seconds, then she threw back her head, laughing wildly. "Oh, Little Handsome, you do want to play! I'll catch you!"

Sek Gon didn't look back. With Chan Bik sobbing and begging him to stop, he raced through the forest, feet barely skimming the leaf litter. He could hear Teem Djeung Baak chattering excitedly behind him, and although he was fast, he was carrying a woman almost the same size as him.

And to be honest, he was more of a sprinter than a long-distance runner.

He tried zigzagging, left and right, up and down, but Teem Djeung Baak stayed close behind him. Her chattering had stopped, though, and a small wrinkle had appeared between her shapely eyebrows. He couldn't shake her off, but she couldn't catch up to him either.

And all at once, her presence vanished.

Sek Gon halted immediately, slipped on a mossy branch, and the two of them fell from the canopy into a thick layer of dead leaves. Chan Bik bounced once, almost half the height that she had fallen, crawled upright, and promptly threw up. Green-faced and shaking, she staggered upright, then vomited again. Sek Gon lay like the dead where he had fallen.

Cold sweat pouring down her face, Chan Bik spat to try and clear her mouth. "You... Don't follow me. Don't come near me. Don't... How could you... You really don't care about anyone except yourself, do you? You selfish bastard..."

Exhausted by this brief tirade, she stumbled away into the night.

Sek Gon had not moved. His eyes were closed. His ears twitched.

Chan Bik had barely disappeared when he opened his eyes to stare into the darkened canopy above him. His neutral expression darkened.

Sek Gon pulled himself upright, and began to run. Back towards the way they had come.


"He just left you there?"

Chan Bik nodded, crying too hard to speak. A concerned female disciple of the Mountain School of Mount Fa hugged her soothingly, looking askance of Gou Dzing.

"Gou Si-hing, what's going on? Who is this man she was talking about?"

They were seated in the infirmary of one of the five schools of Mount Fa, the school of Earth arts, Way of the Mountain. Chan Bik had been picked up by a wide patrol and brought immediately back to the sect. Gou Dzing looked grimly as he watched her sob.

"Someone I thought I could trust, Cheng Si-mui. What was he thinking...?"

"I know I can be an awful person sometimes," Chan Bik whispered, her words a little slurred with tiredness and the swelling of her cheeks. "But this is too much..."

"I'm going to look for him." Gou Dzing attached his sword to his hip and nodded to his junior sister. "Please look after her, Cheng Si-mui."

"Do you want us to come with you?" A few other disciples of the Way of the Mountain, who had been listening to Chan Bik's story, rose to their feet.

Gou Dzing smiled , but declined. "I'm only going to talk to him. I don't want to be aggressive, so it's better if it's just me."

"What about the woman?"

"I've dealt with her before. It'll be alright."

"Call us immediately if something happens."

"We know you're strong, Si-hing, but it's better to be safe."

I'm really not the Saviour! (我唔係救主囖!) [danmei/BL xuanhuan]Where stories live. Discover now