28 - Yes, this is actually danmei

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A/N: Hooookay, this chapter is... well, it's actually kind of foreshadowing a bit for what's coming up next in At the Water's Edge. It's not necessary to read all of the Tales of the Jade Road to understand what is going on in one story, but it does provide a heck of a lot of lore.

I'm hoping I'm really not the Saviour! will be the next of my stories to get a new cover. We'll see!


They descended Hau Dze, hopping from rock to rock down its steep side. Can Bik had proudly offered to carry Zeng Baak-hap down on her back, and she kept pace well as they moved lower and lower between mists and ferns.

The streets of Ming Jyut were narrow and crammed with an extraordinary array of things. People, pets, washing, junk stores with towering piles of objects that seemed ready to tip over, plants, lanterns, food stalls... The four disciples seemed have grown several more heads to look around at everything. Gong Lau Jan looked immensely satisfied as she strode proudly before them. People greeted her as she passed.

"Lady Gong!"

"Royal Princess, I have a new dessert you should try!"

"Princess Gong, where have you been?

"There are so many beautiful people here," Can Bik said, a little wonderingly and a little shyly, peeking at the delicate man in shining white robes that Gong Lau Jan was now speaking to.

"Well, that's like because there are a lot of non-human people here," Gou Zing pointed out.

"Eh? Really?"

Gaam Juk Jing's eyes flickered around them briefly. "I would say around thirty percent."

"How can you tell?"

Gou Zing tapped under his left eye. "Sight arts, Can si mui. Although not perfect, I can see to some extent things that are hidden. As for Juk Jing, the Reflective Arts School's Sword Eyes can cut through illusions, am I right?"


"Ah, I'm looking forward to activating my Third Daan-tin," Can Bik sighed, as Gong Lau Jan farewelled the people she was talking to.

"Is that so? Enjoy how things are for a little while longer."

"You make it sound like reaching Third Daan-tin is a terrible ordeal."

"It can be," Gaam Juk Jing said.

"You both reached it so easily though!"

"Easy? Perhaps it was quick for me, but it's changed the direction of my life," Gou Zing laughed.

"You met me after I reached Third Daan-tin," Gaam Juk Jing reminded her.

"Ugh... Ah, what's that there...?"

The three older disciples watched her rush after Gong Lau Jan, asking questions. The Grandmaster, following up the rear inobstrusively, urged them onwards.

"Does no one here know who you are, Grandmaster?" Zeng Baak-hap asked.

"I like to keep quiet. I'll have people bothering me constantly if they knew who I was, and really, all I want is a peaceful life." She drew a contemplative puff from her pipe. "Being involved with mortal affairs becomes... tiring, after all these years."

"But you're still getting involved in the situation now."

"The actions of the demons won't simply end with mortals. We have to act before the situation becomes worse." Her honey-brown eyes fell on Gou Zing.


She shook her head. "No, I shouldn't be so hard on you. You're still so young and naive, despite your spiritual and martial achievements. How could you know this situation with Tim Zoeng-baak would turn out like this? So long as you learn from this, let's not say any more on the topic."

I'm really not the Saviour! (我唔係救主囖!) [danmei/BL xuanhuan]Where stories live. Discover now