16 - Let's have a lesson on geography... or maybe interpersonal relations

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A thousand questions crowded into the disciples' mouths, but the look on the Grandmaster's face warned them to swallow those questions back down. She produced several documents – replications of the demonic writing, pages of neat script, a map.

"I convened a meeting of the Ng Dzeung," she said, with the same tone of voice of someone saying 'I managed to gather together a group of kittens with supernatural powers hiding in a field of long grass'. "We agreed that Ling Gwong needed to be retrieved. However... The others are... not at liberty to assist." Her last sentence was said through gritted teeth.

"And so, there is a need to send proxies. Gaam Yuk Ying."

"Great Empress."

"Gaam Bing has nominated you as his proxy. Take this token." The Grandmaster held out a belt ornament with a silver tassel. The ornament itself was round and made of a silver metal, intricately carved, or perhaps moulded, to display the side profile of a roaring tiger. Gaam Yuk Ying took it with both hands and attached it to his belt, on the other side from his dou, and reseated himself between Gou Dzing and Chan Bik.

"Lau Yan."


"Your mother has already conferred you with her authority in this matter. And Maan Dzi King, you've accepted to be Dzap Ming's proxy, yes?"

"Yes, Your Divine Majesty." Maan Dzi King held up a token, this one made of some pale stone-like substance showing the side profile of a snapping tortoise, a black tassel dangling below.

"Chan Bik."

"Y-Yes, Your Div- Great Em- Grandmaster?"

The Grandmaster didn't speak immediately, choosing instead to tap the table with her pipe first.

"I was not certain about bringing you along, to be honest. You are not yet Ling Gwong's direct disciple, and seeing you now, your cultivation has not progressed as far as expected-"

"Grandmaster! It's all because of the Fire Master! He's not teaching her properly!" Cheng Baak-hap burst out. "Ah Bik has done really well considering that the most help she's had has been from us, who aren't Fire-aligned..."

She sat down quickly, face pink. Chan Bik's eyes were shining. Gong Lau Yan laughed, although Maan Dzi King's mouth twisted disapprovingly.

"Is that so...? Ying Fo has become more unruly than I thought. Ling Gwong will have to pull him into line when she returns.

Ying Fo? s that the Fire Master's name?

Circulate your hei, Gou Dzing chanted to himself desperately. Chan Bik had no such inhibitions; she burst out laughing wildly.

"YING FO? A man like that is called firefly? No wonder he never uses it! I'll have to tell everyone when we get back!"

Gong Lau Yan grinned. "I like this little girl, A-po. Let's see what we can do before we leave to get her stronger."

"It's not really Little Bik that I'm concerned about," the Grandmaster said gravely, turning her caramel-brown eyes to Cheng Baak-hap. The young woman was a brave soul, but no one could stare down the highest of the Ng Dzeung. She fixed her eyes on the Grandmaster's chin instead. Chan Bik squeezed her hand.


"Little Gou, be quiet right now. You can speak after me."

Gou Dzing's hands made fists on his knees. The group of disciples seemed to lean in to each other, although Gaam Yuk Ying stayed perfectly still, his silvery eyes on the Grandmaster.

Wong Tang saw the movement; her eyes softened, but grew more troubled. "Cheng Baak-hap. I'm well aware of your skills. I am not saying you are not a capable individual. What I am saying is that given the dangerous place we are going to, your physical skills are not enough. You are... First Daan-tin Adept, correct?"

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