35 - No medicine can save the MC

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A/N: Finally. Here is chapter 35.
Honestly, life is pretty chaotic right now, and it's unlikely that there will be regular chapters again until May. I'll keep posting where I can.


If one were to visit Mount Faa at this point, and observe the sect closely, they might notice that the atmosphere seemed a bit strange.
The disciples dutifully trained and cultivated as usual, although perhaps their training was a little more intense, and they cuItivated for longer, well into the night hours when they would usually be asleep.

The Fire Master, Ying Fo, was more subdued, no longer showing favouritism to select students. Everyone was trained equally hard.

Cheng Baak-hap pored over documents, her fingers ink-stained and a patch of raw red skin on her forehead where she had rubbed it repeatedly. She raised dark-ringed eyes at the sound of the wall guards alerting the sect to arrivals at the gates, but continued to draw lines and lines of characters until a junior disciple knocked on the door of her room
"What is it?"

"Si dze, Gaam Si hing has been brought back injured. He's in the clinic."

Cheng Baak-hap dropped her brush and rushed from the room. The junior disciple had a better grasp of lightness arts, and kept pace easily.

"Does Bik- Does Chan Si mui know?"

"We haven't found her yet, Si dze."

They reached the clinic and instantly dropped into hasty bows; from Gaam Yuk Ying's bedside, Lord Gaam and Lady Ling turned to see the new arrivals.

"Greeting the great Masters."

"Disciple Cheng, come in!" Ling Gwong chirped. Cheng Baak-hap moved to do so, but found her way blocked by Gaam Bing's enormous calloused palm.

"Yuk Ying?"

Gaam Yuk Ying must have nodded, because Lord Gaam retracted his hand and Cheng Baak-hap could finally approach.

She could only see his head; a clean white sheet covered the rest of him, although she could already see stains starting to marr its cleanliness. A thick balm had been applied across most of his face, and even on his scalp.

"What happened?"

"It was her," Ling Gwong said immediately. "I can tell."

"... Teem Dzeung Baak?"

Her attempt at mystery having failed, Ling Gwong looked deflated. "Where's Little Chan?"

"The last I saw, she was trying archery."

Since returning to Mount Faa, Chan Bik had been trying her skills at an increasing number of different martial arts. She had already gone through the gim, the dao, the spear, the mace, and the nine-section whip, but had tossed each one aside within a few days. Ling Gwong would happen to appear nearby, ostentatiously checking various exquisite knives and other small blades that she would produce out of nowhere, or perform some impressive martial move only to pretend she had been stretching or yawning.
Chan Bik ignored her.

"Lady Ling, why not... just ask Chan Si mui if she will learn from you?"

"How can l?" Ling Gwong cried, throwing her hands up. Small flames spurted from them. Cheng Baak-hap saw Gaam Yuk Ying's eyes flicker and hastily said, "Of course, of course. Why don't I speak to her about it?"

Nevermind that she already had.

Three days ago, she watched Chan Bik, alone, practicing archery in the shooting field. All the other disciples were abed, even with the new sense of urgency sweeping the sect.
"Bik Si mui, you should rest now."

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