21 - This is the beach episode

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"Where were you?" Gou Zing threw himself on Gaam Juk Jing. The smaller man staggered.


"I know that. Don't act dumb."

Gaam Juk Jing didn't respond. He buried his face in Gou Zing's neck, since it was all he could reach. They stood comfortably like this for a minute.

"I guess you couldn't find her. Master told me she asked you to look for Tim Zoeng-baak."

Gaam Juk Jing nodded. It tickled.

"I should have let you go after her, before."

A shrug.

"Well, I guess it's too late, saying that now. We'll just have to get her next time. Hey, what happened to your face?"

There was a red mark on Gaam Juk Jing's left cheek, as if he had scraped it against something, or been hit. He wouldn't meet Gou Zing's eyes.

"Juk Jing? Hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing. It doesn't matter... anymore."

"You don't want to talk about it now, huh? Maybe later?"


"Okay." Gou Zing pulled him close again. "Let's put some salve on it."

"It'll heal by itself."

"I know... but let me test out my skills, please? I made a batch of ointment while you were gone."


"What's with that tone? I used to do lots of healing work, you know? Were you just teasing me?" He caught sight of the little smirk on Gaam Juk Jing's face. "You little...!"

"Ugh, they're already at it again," Can Bik observed, leaning out of the window of Zeng Baak-hap's room to see Gaam Juk Jing and Gou Zing chasing each other around the docks of Juk-hoi Bay. "Hey! You're causing trouble for everyone! Get back here!"

Zeng Baak-hap cleared her throat and laughed. "Yes, Mother."

"No! What? I'm not! Zeng si ze!"

"Hey! Zeng si mui! How are you feeling?" Gou Zing leapt in through the window that Can Bik had vacated, following close behind Gaam Juk Jing. The two young men flopped onto the bed.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be Direct Disciples of the Ng Zoeng, how can you just lie on a junior sister's bed like that?" Can Bik hissed like an angry snake.

Gaam Juk Jing cocked his head to one side. "Jealous?"

He narrowly dodged every punch that Can Bik threw at him.

"Haha, you can't tease her so easily anymore, Juk Jing! Her spiritual powers are catching up, she'll be faster than you soon!"

Can Bik paused, panting. "What happened to your face? It wasn't Tim Zoeng-baak, was it? That-"


"Then what?"

He looked at the floor.

"I don't think Juk Jing's ready to talk yet," Gou Zing interceded, standing up. "Why don't we go and do something fun? We've worked so much over the past week, and we only have one last day here. Let's relax and recover. Zeng si mui, do you feel alright to move around?"

"You're not leaving me behind to have fun by yourselves. I'll let you know if I get tired."

"Alright. How about we meet in front of the teahouse in half a si?"

They dispersed to get ready. Gou Zing filled Gaam Juk Jing in on the past few days he had been absent.

"I don't understand what makes people... loong are people, right? What makes people act like that." They sat at one of the benches for travellers outside the teahouse, discretely holding hands, Gaam Juk Jing's slender fingers twined with Gou Zing's strong thick ones.

I'm really not the Saviour! (我唔係救主囖!) [danmei/BL xuanhuan]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora