39 - Humans are bad at knowing what's good for them

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A/N: A bit of a delay on this week's chapter, due to IRL work stuff. It's here now :)


"Elders, esteemed guests, disciples. The matter for our attention today is the increasing aggression of demons, particularly in the countries of Sek'syun and Cheon. As we are all aware, demons have been entering these lands, stealing and killing.

"Representatives of both countries are here today to provide further details. Your Excellency On, as representative of Sek'syun, where the demons appeared earliest, will you speak first?"

One of the Elders, a stocky man with a sallow complexion and official's robes, stood and glared around the room. He avoided making eye contact with Gou Dzing.

"Do you know him?" Chan Bik murmured.

"Father and Grandfather have met with him a few times before," Gou Dzing muttered back.

"I hope you can provide us with answers, Your Majesty." Envoy On had a harsh voice, like a raven. He glared directly at Dzue Dziu Ming. "These demons are coming out of Dzue, and attacking your neighbours. And I hear you have not experienced any casualties."

"We are fortunate in having a strong presence of spiritual places and creatures," Dzue Dziu Ming replied lightly. He sipped at the tea that had been provided to all the Elders. "It seems that our pine forest, Tsaam Lam, is not a friendly place for the demons."

"Or perhaps it is overly friendly," retorted the envoy from Cheon, a younger woman with a permanently concerned expression and dramatic makeup.

Dzue Dziu Ming was not the most handsome man, but when he turned his gently appealing eyes towards the envoy, she coloured a little and shuffled awkwardly. "You are welcome to visit and see for yourself, Excellency Laam," he offered winningly.

"I wouldn't go near that place if you paid me," the Sek'syun Envoy snapped.

"Why would you be paid?" Dzue Dziu Ming asked. His smile was still soft, but his eyes were vicious. "I can just drag you there."

"Are you threatening me, Your Majesty?"

"Who started first, Your Excellency?"

"Stop, Dziu Ming." Wong Tang stepped in. The Regent raised his hands in a placating gesture, but his eyes still promised violence to the Sek'syun Envoy despite his soft demeanour. "Elders, I hate to interrupt your blaming session, but I have taken a small group of Mount Fa disciples to the Demon Realm for a fact-finding mission."

Hissing murmurs broke out through the room like water on hot rocks. Wong Tang ignored them. "Disciple Gou."

Gou Dzing stood and bowed, watched by all the other disciples from the corners of their eyes. "Master."

"Please provide a report on our interactions with the demons so far."

"Yes, Master." There was none of Gou Dzing's usual playful demeanour. He addressed the elders on the dais boldly. "Elders, my family name is Gou, given name Dzing, Senior Disciple of the Way of the Mountain School of Mount Fa, and direct disciple of Master Wong. Please allow me to-"

"Why should we trust this child?" croaked Envoy On. "He's clearly brainwashed by his Master."

"The Gou Family have served Cheon well as civil servants," Envoy Laam conceded. "I take it you are speaking for your family here as well, Young Master Gou?"

"Not at all, Your Excellency," Gou Dzing replied smoothly, avoiding the trap. "Only my grandfather can do so. I am here as a humble disciple of the Mount Fa Sect."

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