23 - Obligatory Dragon and Phoenix Tournament

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A/N: Here's chapter 2/8 for the next 5 weeks :D


Can Bik instantly began to fire off blazing points of light. Gaam Juk Jing dodged each one, the sparks hitting the grass with a sizzle. The smell of scorched vegetation soon filled the air.

Gou Zing had raised the ground beneath himself and the two women, rapidly raising them above Gaam Juk Jing. At the same time, earth and limestone was worn away below Gaam Juk Jing's feet. He leapt nimbly, climbing out of the pit to find a burning net of grass falling from above. His dou blurred, slicing the grass to tiny smouldering shreds that rained around him. The ashes were still hot, but he didn't flinch as he continued his climb up through them. The sides of the pit began to collapse in, too slow; Gaam Juk Jing rose out before it collapsed and headed directly for Zeng Baak-hap, who was standing on the highest mound. He reached her in the blink of an eye, but the ground caved out suddenly beneath their feet. Zeng Baak-hap disappeared into a hole, and the earth curled up and over Gaam Juk Jing like a fist. The grass before him caught fire.

He shot out through the remaining gap between the earth and the fire, directly into Gou Zing's fist, which hit him in the chest, knocking him to the ground, and he plowed several bou before coming to a stop. Recovering and twisting to avoid Gou Zing's next blow, he had no time to retaliate as Can Bik jumped forwards, firing off her points of light.

If he turned to deal with one, the other would take advantage of his change in focus, constantly moving around. He could dodge their attacks but not return them.

Jumping back brought him to the edge of the cliff, and Gou Zing and Can Bik pursued him, harassing him from both sides. With the ground crumbling beneath him and searing points of lights narrowly missing him, he took a running leap off the cliff.

Can Bik and Gou Zing rushed forwards.

"Stop! Come back!" Zeng Baak-hap cried out in warning.

They halted, but Gaam Juk Jing had enough of a break to recover. He shot suddenly up over the cliff edge, his fingers hitting the paralysis acupuncture points at the joints of both of Can Bik's arms. He turned and flicked Gou Zing directly over the heart before the latter could even react. Then he turned to look at Zeng Baak-hap.

She sighed. "It was worth a try. You're just too fast."

"Are you giving up?"

"What do you think I should do?"

"Stop stalling. I know there's a trap."

Zeng Baak-hap laughed. "I shouldn't treat you like an dummy, should I? I keep forgetting after hanging around with Gou si hing and Can si mui."

"Hey! Don't slander your companions like that!"

"Zeng si ze, you're so mean!"

Still, Zeng Baak-hap remained where she was standing. "I'm afraid you'll have to come and get me, Gaam si hing. I can't move from here."

Gaam Juk Jing disappeared and reappeared only a few bou away from Zeng Baak-hap. She stood perfectly still. His silvery eyes darted around, taking in the grass.

Without warning, he swung Lou Fu Ngaan at Zeng Baak-hap's feet. She dropped instantly, a huge and intricate web of roots and grass disintegrating below her. A cavern of water opened up beneath her.

Gaam Juk Jing jumped straight down, seizing Zeng Baak-hap. Dropping Lou Fu Ngaan, he jumped upwards, curling his foot to send the dou spinning strongly into the cavern wall, where it wedged itself, while reaching for the limestone on the other side. The stone was soft and crumbling, but enough – he jumped from tiny foothold to foothold, emerging from the pit. The others stood waiting nearby.

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