25 - Oh no, not her again...

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A/N: 4/8 chapters (30 Oct - 3 Dec)


The next day dawned overcast, grey shadows settling over the debris in the street. A team of people had been dispatched from the capital Maau-dan-si to investigate, so the clean-up stretched into the afternoon as they checked the rubble before it was removed, and interviewed those who had been involved.

Gou Zing stood with Can Bik and Zeng Baak-hap at one end of the mess, along with a few of the members of the Gou Family. Gou Hei Lok was conspicuously absent.

The patriarch, on the other hand, was looking everywhere as if his head was about to fly off.

"Where's that friend of yours? Young Master Gaam Juk Jing, why isn't he here?"

"He doesn't like fuss," Gou Zing said. "I doubt you'll see him today."

"Ha, a humble man! I truly misjudged him."

"No... Never mind..."

His grandfather looked sharply at him. "Where's your gim, boy?"

"I... left it somewhere."

"What! After what just happened? How can you be so careless?"

"There's no problems, Lord Gou," said Wong Tang, appearing suddenly behind him with a smile. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am your grandson's Master, Wong Tang."

"I knew you couldn't be someone ordinary. It is a great honour to meet you, Grandmaster."

The two elders bowed to each other amicably.

"I've always wanted to greet you. Please, let us return to the inn where I am staying so that I might offer you some tea."

"That's kind of you, but unfortunately we are just about to leave. Little Gou, is Little Gaam?"

".. I thought he was still at the teahouse with you, Master."

The look on her face showed that this was clearly a mistaken thought. "Do you know where he might be?"

"Not really... We will have to look."

"Stay here. It will be faster for me to check." The Grandmaster closed her eyes. A golden glow enveloped her body, then suddenly dispersed, a gold wave rippling across the earth. As it passed them, people nearby seemed to feel a little warm.

Within the space of a few breaths, Wong Tang's eyes snapped open, glowing golden, and her voice was a seething hiss. "She's here."


Gaam Juk Jing had been examining the Dragon and Phoenix Tournament grounds since early morning. They were deserted, the tournament having been halted while investigations into the demon attack were completed. He jumped into the arena, looking around him at the stands.

"Hey, the tournament's on hold, dumbarse!" A small group of young disciples in their late teens taunted him from one of the entries to the arena.

"Look at him, got no response! Is he a mute? Hey, dumbarse, are you a mute?"

"How can he answer you if he's a mute?"

"Oh yeah, my mistake, my mistake."

"Wait, hang on, look at his blades."

"Whoa, jade hilts? Is he the Jade Exorcist?"

"Now who's the dumbarse? The Jade Exorcist only has one blade, not two."

"So he's just a poser. Poser!"

"Are you sure that's even a guy? He's kind of girly looking."

"Are you actually a girl?"

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