34 - Have you tried meditating?

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CW: Gore


Tim Dzeung Baak was found sooner than anyone expected.

Two days after the reinforcements arrived, Gou Dzing was seated in the shadow of the big mountain, exchanging drawings with a couple of demons. So far, they had been exchanging simple concepts, and he had begun learning some of the demons' names, but little other progress had been made. He sighed and hoped Cheng Baak-hap would rejoin them soon.

"Gou Si hing? Gou Si hing!"

Turning, he saw a group rushing towards him, human disciples and loong soldiers alike. Weren't they the ones who had gone with Yuk Ying? "What is it?"

"Gaam Si hing's injured!"

Tossing aside the stick he had been using to draw in the dust, Gou Dzing rushed from the shadow of the mountain, pale-faced.

Gaam Yuk Ying lay quietly on a stretcher carried between two soldiers. How, Gou Dzing wasn't sure. All of his skin was blistered and peeling, some of it coming away in large sheets, charred or reduced to white ash in some places. Half of his hair had burnt away. Those disciples with healing skills rushed forwards.

Gou Dzing stood in shock.

A part of his mind was running over treatments for burns (application of cool water, willow bark-infused oil, ointment of rhubarb, goldenthread, sophora...) but it was a part that seemed to be disconnected from his hands and feet. As much as his mind suggested medicines, his body did not move.

Gaam Yuk Ying's half-lidded eyes were unfocused, glowing faintly silver. His damaged lips moved slightly.

Oh. He's reciting meditations. He's using his cultivation to numb the pain.

"He has to be taken back to the mortal realm for immediate treatment," one of the disciples said, turning to Gou Dzing as the most senior there. Gou Dzing was about to answer when he saw another disciple reaching to peel back the fabric that covered Gaam Yuk Ying's torso.


The disciple leapt back hastily. "Ah! S-sorry, Gou Si hing."

"You could cause even more damage by just pulling things," the disciple who had spoken to Gou Dzing scolded.

Gaam Yuk Ying's eyes flickered towards Gou Dzing. His lips moved again. A raw hand twitched in his direction.

It's okay.

Gou Dzing knelt down. "Are you sure?" he whispered.

I... I want to live. If it means... they find out... then they find out.

"You, go report to the Grandmaster," Gou Dzing ordered immediately, straightening up. "You and you, bring Gaam Yuk Ying to the Ming Yuet Palace as soon as possible. Are there any loong soldiers who are willing to go with them?"

Three soldiers stepped forwards, one offering to go ahead to prepare the palace for the arrival of the patient.

They were organised and gone within a few moments. Gong Lau Yan arrived, out of breath, to see them disappear over the horizon.

"Little Gaam?"

"... burnt. Badly." Gou Dzing's hands were shaking. His folded his arms to contain them and turned to those who had been assigned to Gaam Yuk Ying's team. "Report!"

"Gou Si hing." A disciple stepped forwards and bowed. He was covered in ash, and had some light burns on his hands. In fact, most of the group were in a similar state, but none so hurt as Gaam Yuk Ying. "We came upon the target, Tim Dzeung Baak, a day in that direction." He pointed. Given the haziness of the sky, it was impossible to identify conventions such as the cardinal directions, and compasses didn't work here. "She seemed to be waiting for us."

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