27 : Bright Sadness

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𝔏𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔫, 𝔈𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡, 𝔈𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔥
𝔇𝔢𝔠𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 2005

There was something about looking an alien in the face which never got old. It was different every time, a new greeting or threat, and it would never be experienced by anyone else in the same way again.

The Sycorax were no different. They were a clear threat to Earth, and had the Doctor been awake, or indeed alive, he would know how to stop them. It was a problem for EJ and Rose, especially, because despite these experiences, they didn't understand a single word spoken. The Tardis wasn't working any longer. She wasn't translating anything, and it left them completely in the dark.

"Vos koonik!" The only Sycorax without a bone mask pointed at them, it's face all muscle. So when it approached them, it was menacing. "Del panja zu krimit tak saya. Vol, kufa zu prendis."

Without the Tardis, they only understood what was happening because of Harriet Jones' right hand man, Alex. He held a translator in his hand, and spoke, directly after the Sycorax. "The yellow girl. She has the clever blue box. Therefore, she speaks for your planet."

  "But she can't!" Harriet cried out, panicking, for lack of authority. She must have been so used to it by now.

  Rose whispered to herself, and to no one else. "Yeah, I can."

  "Don't you dare." Mickey retorted like he really had a say in her decision; he had no idea what was going on.

  "Shut up." EJ scolded him, hardly looking his way. "Just keep your mouth shut."

  There was an air of confidence in Rose which came naturally to her, now. "Someone's gotta be the Doctor."

  Though, as she stepped forwards, Harriet lunged to grab onto her arm. "They'll kill you."

  EJ just pulled her back, and held her hand so she might not feel so useless. Rose smiled their way, but it was nauseous. "Never stopped him."

     As his friend stepped forwards with baited breath, the Thompson boy wondered about a few too many things. Harriet kept squeezing his palm too tight, pulling him back into reality, but there was only one thought which mattered to him in that moment. He needed to know what was happening to the Doctor. He was on his own.

     Without someone there to care for him, he could choke on his own tongue. If he died now, would he be able to regenerate again, or could it only happen once? EJ didn't know enough to be confident in any theory. His efforts were futile.

     The Sycorax cheered at Rose, but it certainly wasn't friendly. They jeered, and it was like a war cry. If they were to declare anything, then Earth would have to go to war. EJ couldn't be apart of it; it didn't matter how fucked up everything got. War was where he drew the line.

"I er... I address the Sycorax... according to Article 15 of the Shadow Proclamation." Rose stumbled almost immediately, but she cleared her throat instantly. "I command you to leave this world, with all the authority of the Slitheen Parliament of Raxacoricofallapatorius..."

EJ whispered to himself, not wanting to mess up Rose's attempt, but it wasn't heading in the right direction. "Oh, Jesus Christ on a unicycle."

"And um... the Gelth Confederacy... as... uh... sanctioned... by the Mighty Jagrafess and... ooh, the Daleks! Now, leave this planet in peace!" When she was finished, she realised that it hadn't gone as well as she planned. So, she whispered to herself, almost futilely. "In peace."

They took almost no notice, and laughed, it boomed and echoed the room. "Zu gan gan frak jil ay."

Alex translated. "You are very, very funny."

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