4 Just leave

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Damian POV

I entered the room while burying my hands in my pockets. What exactly did I want here? I had to think of something fast before it got awkward.

"You want to talk...then talk." said Prue as she walked past me and reached for a bottle of lotion.

"Don't you want to get dressed first?" I asked in surprise as she began rubbing the lotion on her skin.

Incidentally, my brain registered that it was the first time I saw her without makeup. She looked really pretty. Not that it mattered or that I would tell her. It was just something I noticed at that moment.

"No, why should I? Just say what you have to say. Then you can leave. Unless I make you feel uncomfortable." she replied and simply continued with her task.

"You don't. Listen... I um... I just wanted to..." I stuttered as I couldn't take my eyes off her.

As much as I tried to resist it, I just couldn't succeed. On the contrary. The more I tried to prevent it, the more I realized that I was staring.

"Priest, we both know why you're here. You want to get back at me for humiliating you. But I'm telling you now that's not going to happen. I'm too tired for your games. And besides, you can't tell me you don't deserve it.

If you have something to say, then say it, otherwise you can just leave. I'm exhausted and in pain. I just want to go to bed." she replied, sounding very tired indeed.

"What do you mean you won't let me? I'm actually owed one by you, don't you think princess?" I challenged her.

I stepped closer to her and took the bottle of lotion from her hand and placed it on the dresser.

"The fuck I do... You more or less called me a slut. That's why you deserved everything that happened after that. I told you... all you had to do was say no. But you couldn't even do that.

Now leave me alone. I need to rest. You've already irritated me enough today," she replied.


Prue POV

"I didn't... It's not my fault you took it that way," Damian replied.

"Saying that I have talents that require my other body parts and that I'm supposed to make myself useful somewhere on my knees. That sounds to me like you're accusing me of being a slut who uses her body to get what she wants," I said angrily.

A pain went through the back of my neck. One hand shot there to hold it while the other held the towel in place.

"What's wrong with you?" he then asked.

"It's none of your business. I don't tell my stories to just anyone and certainly not to anyone who thinks I can't handle anything on my own. Walk away, Priest. Just leave," I replied as I was on the verge of tears.

"Just let me see, Prue." He said sternly.

Then he stepped behind me, wiped my hair away, and took my hand off. I knew what he saw, but at the same time I hoped he didn't.

"I didn't know you had a tattoo. Probably because you always wear your hair down. Did they mess it up? Is that where the pain comes from?" he asked as he looked at the moon, the sun and all the little stars and shooting stars.

I breathed a sigh of relief. He obviously didn't see it. Thank goodness, because I wasn't in the mood for his questions.

"Yes that must be it," I muttered.

"You should get an ice pack." he then replied as he stood in front of me again.

"I just need to sleep. If you'll excuse me." I said hoping he would just walk out of the room.

"I probably should." he said softly as he now stood close to me.

I could feel his hot breath on my skin. He leaned closer to me. But then I remembered that he only did that to get revenge on me. That was his thought since the first encounter. And I had been so stupid to let him into my room in a moment of weakness.

"I told you this wouldn't happen," I said softly.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to kick me again?" he replied arrogantly.

"No, but my husband might this time," I said, watching him immediately take a step away from me.

"You're married?" he asked, surprised.

I just nodded. It didn't take long for Priest to basically run out of the room. It had been a little white lie. But it was better than the alternative. I didn't want to do anything I might regret. Okay... that was another lie. I don't think I would regret it, but I didn't even like him. Or did I?

It was just, like Rhea said sexual attraction. I would get over it and find someone who actually liked me.

Hate...to want you [a Damian Priest story]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ