15 Little did they know...

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Prue POV

Humming, I walked through the corridors backstage in search of the spot where I was supposed to go. Today was another big premium live event and everyone was frantically shouting and running back and forth.

It was always like this in the last hours before showtime. In the distance you could already hear the audience. Apparently, the entry had already started.

"Hi Prue! How's it going? Are you coming to the after show party at the club tonight too?" Rhea asked me as she appeared out of nowhere.

"I plan on it. I'm sure we can all use a drink. What are you doing?" I replied until she suddenly moved closer to me and leaned in sniffing.

"Oh! My! God!" she gasped with a big smirk.

"Are you okay?" I wanted to know because her behavior made no sense to me.

"It's you! He always smells like your perfume! It's exactly the same!" she explained.

"Who smells like my perfume?" I asked, confused.

"Priest, duh! I've caught him smelling like that several times now and the other day I was in his hotel room and the sheets smelled the same. You two have finally found a way to work out your sexual frustrations I see. Oh... he'll never hear the end of it," Rhea replied with a laugh.

Before I had a chance to say anything back, she was already on her way. Apparently she couldn't wait to torture Damian a bit. 


Damian POV

"Did you get hit in the head too hard? Why are you listening to this song?" I asked Rhea as we were on our way to the hotel to get our stuff in and freshen up before we were all going to meet at the club.

"You should know exactly why it is this song....

I'm in love with the shape of you... We push and pull like a magnet do... Although my heart is falling too... I'm in love with your body... Last night you were in my room... And now my bedsheets smell like you... Every day discovering something brand new... I'm in love with your body....

Who do you have to be thinking about, Priest? I, for one, know exactly where your mind is going." she laughed after singing along with some of the lines.

All day long she kept dropping such remarks without waiting for a response from me. Obviously, she enjoyed it.


Later, we guys were standing together at the bar waiting for our drinks when I spotted Prue in the crowd. And from that moment on, it was hard for me to look anywhere else. That's how good she looked.

A white tank top tucked into her highwaisted jeans. It really showed off her hourglass figure. The hair was in a high ponytail so that you had a good view of her neck and therefore her tattoo. That surprised me, because normally she never wore her hair like that when other people were around.

The silver jewelry sparkled despite the low light while she held her beer bottle in her hand and talked to the other girls. I would have loved to have my hands on her round, plump ass right now.

"Where are you looking so eagerly?" asked Dom suddenly.

"Nowhere in particular." I muttered, turning around.

"Ohhh... Yeah, not at all... You know... How about a bet to get you going..." he said.

"What are you talking about?" wanted Finn to know now and Sheamus perked up his ears as well.

"I want to bet Damian that he can't make it out of the club with Prue," Dom explained.

"Seems like a safe bet. His chances are better to get a slap in the face from her. I'm in. What's the stake?" replied Finn.

"I'll bet you $500 that Damian can't get her within five minutes," Dom said.

"500? You seem very sure of yourself.... What about you, Finn? Are you putting the same in the pot?" I asked.

"Sure as hell'. You guys hate each other's guts. You don't stand a chance. Easy money made." laughed Finn.

"Count me in too... I know how much you guys always bicker. And she never gets involved with a guy. You're the only one who can try. Live a little for the taken guys, but don't cry when you're about to lose a lot of cash." Sheamus chimed in.

"Alright... Just for fun..." I replied, downing my whiskey before making my way over to Prue.

I put my hand on her hip and pulled her to my side. Then I leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Do you want to help me win a bet with the guys?" I asked.

"That depends.... What's in it for me?" she asked with a smirk.

"I'll treat us to a spa weekend from my winnings, a meal at an Italian restaurant and a night you won't forget anytime soon..." I murmured while squeezing her hip.

"Mmmh...that sounds like a good deal. What do you need from me?" she replied as she turned to face me.

"Kiss me now and then we'll leave together..." I said.

Then she put a hand on my neck while I put my arms around her. Our lips met and quickly things got heated. Prue's tongue massaged mine sensually as we stood there entwined with each other.

After a while, she broke away from me before taking my hand and pulling me out of the club behind her. I couldn't help but give the guys a dirty smirk when I saw how their jaws were literally on the floor. None of them expected me to win this bet.

Little did they know...

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