19 Not now

471 16 7

Prue POV

I looked at my hand and saw the blood from the spot on my face that I had just touched. If my head hadn't been pounding like crazy, I would have been on my way to pay this witch back. But my feeling told me that Damian would not have let me.

He guided me as fast as we could to the trainer room where the doctors had their setup. He quickly helped me sit down, not taking his eyes off me for a second.

"What the hell happened?" the doctor asked, looking angrily at Damian.

I couldn't believe that he thought Damian could have anything to do with my condition.

"My stepmother happened. Please tell me it doesn't need stitches," I replied quickly.

"I need to clean this up first to see how bad he is. Damian, please wait outside." he said.

"Not a chance." replied D and then held my hand very tightly as the doctor set about cleaning me up.

I hissed through clenched teeth because it burned. Hopefully it was just a scratch. The last thing I needed was for my cheekbone to be broken or something.

"I'm going to have to glue it. It's just a tear in the skin. But I don't think it will leave a scar." the doctor said.

"How are you, Prudence?" my father suddenly asked as he entered the room.

"How do you think I'm doing? Please tell me you had her removed from the building.... Otherwise I can't guarantee she won't be the next to bleed." I hissed angrily.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I... I can't even... Can we maybe talk alone?" he wanted to know as the doctor finished and headed off to get me an ice pack.

"I don't think so. Anything you want to say to me, you can say in front of Damian. But in fact, you can save your breath. I don't want to hear any of your lame excuses. You've had almost 20 years to change. But you never did. I'm doing just fine without you. I've accomplished everything I've wanted to in life on my own. You were too busy with your new family. 

While I have no idea what she's put in your head or why you've cut off all support.... However, I'm not ready to hear it. Now I don't need a father anymore. It's too late," I replied.

"What are you talking about, Prue?" he wanted to know.

"Don't act like you've forgotten that you stopped paying for the college.... Don't act like you never visited me after my accident. All you've done is call me bratty and ungrateful.... When I had nothing to be grateful for. And Felicity feels the same way.

You abandoned your own children. And for what? Is it true that we reminded you too much of mom? That's why you wanted to get rid of us... Did you ever love her or us at all? I find that hard to believe. And now I have to find out that this witch is responsible for my husband leaving me.

I can only hope that you didn't have something to do with it too, because you always thought that he was one of my many mistakes. Now go, dad. My head hurts and I don't want to hear a word you have to say. I have everything I need in my life. You haven't been a part of it for a long time," I replied as I began to cry.

All the emotions that had built up for so long came rushing up as well as everything that the stepmonster had told me. Even if she alone was responsible for everything, he could not make me believe that he had not noticed anything.

He simply could not have been that blind. In all those years, he must have made the decisions himself.

"I will give you time, but we will work this thing out. You are still my child, Prudence and I love you and your sister. I had no idea what your... What Tiffany did behind my back. Please give me a chance to explain." Dad then said.

"Not now..." I replied simply.

He nodded and then left the room. I sighed deeply, but the tears did not stop.

"How do you feel?" asked Damian softly as he stroked my back.

"I don't know... Physically... Headache... mentally... I'm hurt, confused... I'm all over the place. I can not and will not believe that she alone is responsible for everything," I replied as I looked up at him.

At that moment the doctor came back and gave me the ice to cool my face. However, I had the feeling that the physical pain would not last as long as the pain deep inside me.

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