11 What happend?

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Damian POV

"Of course." I said, stepping aside and letting her enter.

She looked so devastated. Immediately I wondered what could have happened. I could only hope that the guy hadn't tried to pull something she didn't want.

"So tell me...what happened?" I wanted to know.

I watched as Prue took a deep breath. It was a shaky breath, though. She slumped her shoulders as she sat down on my bed. Quickly she kicked off her shoes before pulling her legs to her chest.

"What happened is that I'm a total moron. That's what happened... How could I have been so stupid as to believe that he was really interested in me...? All he wanted was access to you superstars. That was his first question, if I could introduce him to everybody... if I could organize autographs and merchandise for him for free.

He tried to coax a lot of information out of me about you guys and internal stuff that I'm not allowed to talk about anyway. When I told him that I would not do that, I wanted to leave. He grabbed my wrist and started insulting me. In the worst way I have ever heard.

I tried to break away, but that didn't stop him until one of the guests in the restaurant intervened. Then I went back home to change. All I wanted to do was sleep, but I just couldn't. I drove around for a while to clear my head. And then I remembered that you told me to come here if the guy was a bust. Turns out you were right," Prue explained to me in a soft, fragile voice.

I felt so sorry for her. No one, really no person on this planet deserved to be treated so disrespectfully. All she wanted was to socialize and have fun. And what did she get in return? I could crush this guy.

I sat down next to her and put my arm around her shoulders. Prue laid her head against my chest and sniffled softly before wiping her tears with the sleeve of her sweatshirt.

"I'm sorry, Prue. You really didn't deserve this. But I can assure you that a guy like that doesn't deserve your tears. He's obviously just a lowlife who uses other people, good people, for his own purposes," I finally replied as I slowly stroked her arm.

"Thank you, Damian. And I'm sorry for just showing up here like this. I know we don't normally do sleepovers.... But could I maybe stay here tonight?" she wanted to know.

"You can. Why don't you wash your face and then we'll go to sleep. It's late and you should rest." I said and without thinking gave her a kiss on her hair.

I also noticed that she called me by my first name for the first time outside of work. Usually she only said my last name. I kind of liked it this way.

"Okay." she breathed and broke away from me to go to the bathroom.

I also got up and pulled back the covers to lie down in bed. It wasn't long before the door opened again and Prue came out. In nothing but panties and a sports bra. She put her clothes on the chair in the corner before crawling into bed and under the covers. She sighed deeply as she laid her head on the pillow. With both arms she clasped it as if it were a life preserver.

"How are you feeling?" i asked.

"Hard to tell... Pretty disappointed I'd say." she replied softly.

"It's going to be okay. Try to get some sleep," I said.

"Could you... no, forget it. Good night." she began only to blush and not speak further.

"Come on. What's the matter? Spit it out." I then said.

"Would it be possible.... well could you hold me?" she finally asked without looking at me.

"I think I can manage that. Come here." I replied.

Prue slid a little closer to me and snuggled against my chest while I put my arm around her. I felt her relax almost immediately. And it wasn't long before we both fell asleep.


The next morning I was awake before Prue. She was lying next to me on her belly. That way she gave me a good look at her tattoo. It was a beautiful piece of art. Curious, I wanted to look at it a little closer. The delicate stars, shooting stars.... The sun and the moon. All of this must surely have some meaning to her.

Unconsciously my fingers began to brush over it until I felt something. Then I looked a little closer. Suddenly I realized where her neck pain really came from. Because this beautiful tattoo was nothing more than a cover up for a rather large scar.

Never before had I noticed the scar. That's how good the tattoo was over it. But now I wondered what had happened.

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