7 Nice change

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Damian POV

Coming back from my match, I grabbed a fresh towel to wipe the sweat from my face before grabbing a bottle of water and emptying it in a just a few gulps.

It was only then that I noticed Rhea's inquiring gaze. She was standing in the corner with her arms crossed, staring at me as if she were trying to solve a difficult math problem.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Oh nothing.... I'm just trying to figure out what's been going on with you this past week. You've been in a strangely good mood. Also, you seem to have found a new kind of fire. It just makes me curious where that might come from all of a sudden." she replied, narrowing her eyes even more.

"I don't know. I'm just on a roll. What's so bad about it?" I wanted to know.

"Nothing at all. But something is different, something has changed. I just know there must be a reason for it." she smirked.

"Don't worry your head, nightmare." I laughed.

A few days later, it was another Monday Hunter called me in before the show started. Normally that wasn't a good thing, but I knew I hadn't done anything wrong. Quite the opposite actually.

"Damian, hi. I just wanted to see you to tell you how impressed everyone backstage is with your work this past week. Something has shifted. For the better. And while I have no idea what you've been doing, I would still advise you to keep it up. It's obviously doing you more than good. We have big plans for your whole group and I have you particularly under consideration," he said when I joined him.

That was good to hear. Even though I wasn't sure why everyone suddenly perceived such a big change in me. There was actually nothing that I had changed. The only thing that had happened was.... Oh well, who was I kidding. It couldn't have had such a big impact on me. It had been so meaningless and one time only.

An hour later it was time for an interview and filming some segments and all that stuff for the next Premium Live event. I had no idea who was in charge of the interviews today. But I had a feeling.

And I didn't have to wait long for that feeling to be confirmed. Of course it had to be Prue. When I looked at her I waited to see if anything had changed. But as far as I could tell, it hadn't. 

The interview itself went off without a hitch this time and there was no sign of our usual tension. This did not escape Jamie, the producer.

"What a nice change that you guys aren't bickering like little kids. Whatever you guys have been doing, keep it up. It's very refreshing." he said before he and the cameraman went on their way.

"What?" asked Prue when she noticed I was still looking at her.

"Nothing... I was expecting you to want to talk.... Don't you girls usually want to talk?" I asked.

"No need... And in case you still haven't noticed, I'm not like everyone else. If I wanted to talk, I could have stayed." she replied as she tapped away on her phone.

"So that means we're even, right?" I wanted to know.

"That's what it means, yes..." she said without looking at me.

"Good to know." I replied with a smirk.

"Why exactly is that good?" she asked now as she lifted her head to look at me.

"Oh nothing really... Just that you can feel free to knock on my door again anytime." I said.

"Ohh now I know what's going on.... You liked it... I rocked your little world. The big Damian Priest liked the chubby girl better than he expected and now he wants more but is too chicken to ask. But don't worry, that was just a one time thing. Because believe it or not. You weren't that good," she replied.

"Princess, I know you're lying. One look at your face is enough to tell me the whole story. Look how blushed you got just thinking about it." I laughed as I took a strand of her hair between my fingers and twirled it.

"It's just that arrogant, self-absorbed side of you that I can't stand, Priest. Maybe think about how much it's given you and then maybe I'll give it some thought." replied Prue before simply walking away.

I stood alone in the hallway and watched her leave until she turned a corner. Involuntarily, I licked my lips as I watched her hips sway.

"Are you okay?" I suddenly heard Dom's voice say.

"Good Lord, don't scare me like that," I said as I flinched.

"Sorry... What's wrong with you? ¿Qué pasa, tienes algún problema?" he asked.

"Acabo de darme cuenta de que tengo un gran problema." I replied.

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