21 Trouble in paradise

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Prue POV

It was getting late, but there was too much going through my head as that I could just fall asleep. I guess after such a day it was not to be expected otherwise. And all I wanted to do was sleep. Sleeping sounded like a good idea. Unfortunately, neither my body nor my mind were playing along. Again and again I went over every little thing.

Damian, meanwhile, slept peacefully. He was just as exhausted as I was. That's why he managed to fall asleep quickly unlike me. He held me tightly as his head rested on my chest.

At least until I heard a soft knock on the door. That was strange. Who would want anything from us this late? Carefully, I moved D to the side so I could stand up. He grunted a bit and then rolled onto his belly without waking up.

I reached for the robe and quickly pulled it on before looking to see who it was.

"Rhea? What's the matter? Did something happen?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"I just wanted to see if you guys were okay. I don't know if you've read the reports online yet or not. But you should do something quickly before it spreads any further." she replied quietly.

Then she showed me her phone and I quickly started reading what one of those stupid online news sites wrote. The way Rhea was behaving it couldn't be good at all.

TROUBLE IN PARADISE? WWE backstage persona Prue Perry was spotted leaving Madison Square Garden alone before the show earlier today. She had a huge band-aid on her face that appeared to be covering a fresh, large wound. Perry, daughter of WWE board member Steven Perry, is currently dating WWE Superstar Damian Priest as we reported in recent days. 

Sources behind the scenes have expressed concern and suspicion that Priest may have something to do with the serious injury to his as-yet girlfriend. Priest, who is also known as the Punisher of the Judgment Day, is said to have made a deeply disturbed impression. Is it possible that he could not control his temper?

"Oh you are fucking kidding me!" I whisper shouted as I read the text.

I handed the phone back to Rhea, finding it hard to control myself.

"I'll take care of it Rhea. Don't worry about it and most importantly.... Don't do anything rash. I know you want to speak up about this. But please give me some time first. Anyway, thank you for coming here." I added after taking a deep breath.

"Are you sure about this? I can back you up." she wanted to know.

"Maybe later. I need to speak up about this before it gets worse than it already is. I won't let her blame this on D." I replied.

I hugged her quickly and then went back to the room. I quickly took off my robe before getting back into bed and lying down with Damian. My hand stroked tenderly over his head and then over his back while I thought about how I could best put it in writing.

It wasn't long before I thought of something and reached for my phone. As you would expect, I already had numerous messages and requests on all sorts of social media sites.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I started typing. It had to be set straight. I would not allow her to try to harm Damian now. As if this woman hadn't already done enough damage in my life.

How dare she? There were enough witnesses who had seen what had happened. After all, there were many people backstage at all times. And if it got louder because of an argument, you could be sure that everyone was paying close attention to what was happening.

As many of you have read today, there is a rumor going around that my boyfriend, Damian Priest, might have something to do with my injury. I hereby want to inform you outright that this is not the truth. Damian is a fantastic, loving and caring person. He would never harm me in any way, shape or form. We love each other and that is why I will not remain silent while so-called "sources" try to damage his reputation.

We stand strong by each other's side, and no matter what other people try to do, it will stay that way. However, a line was crossed here. And I know who did it. Because in fact, it was my stepmother, Tiffany Perry, who slapped me so hard with her ringed hand that it caused a tear across my cheekbone. I assure you that I am fine. Damian is a great support to me. It was me who insisted to return alone to the hotel and that he should do his job, which he loves so much. 

There is no "trouble in paradise". Quite the opposite. I'm well on my way to getting my life in order. And for my stepmother... I hope it was worth it because you destroyed more than your marriage today. Karma is just as much of a bitch as you are.

Damian, I love you and I'm sorry people tried to blame you. You are an incredible man and I am blessed to have you in my life.

I quickly added a photo of my hand resting on Damian's back.

I wrote those words and it felt good. Almost as if a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. In a weird way I had freed myself. I was convinced that she would get what she deserved. And I knew I was ready to trust my father so he could explain it to me and my sister.

With a sigh, I posted the message and then put the phone aside. I snuggled up to my boyfriend. It didn't take long for me to relax and the tiredness finally settled over me.

"Love you..." I breathed before pressing a kiss to his shoulder.

And even though he was sound asleep, I thought I heard a small, delighted Mmmmh.

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