16 Asking you

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Prue POV

I pulled Damian out of the club behind me, but then stopped a little way down the street where we could hail a cab. At that point I turned to him and then took his hands in mine.

"You do realize you just outed us right?" I asked quietly as I looked up at him.

"I know, and I really should have talked to you first. That's why I'm going to-" Damian began.

"Oh my god, you guys! It's about time! And now I want to know how long this has been going on.... And why you didn't tell me! I want details and-" Rhea suddenly said as she came up next to us.

"Nightmare, not now. I'm in the middle of asking Prue something." he interrupted her before she could get any further into it.

"Okay fine.... Sorry." she grumbled before moving a few steps away.

"You were going to say..." I said to draw his attention back to me.

"Well... What I wanted to say before we were so rudely interrupted... was that I'm... well.... I'm tired of sneaking around. I want to be able to kiss you and hold you whenever I feel like it. I want us to be more than just a booty call. Because even though I didn't expect it, I like you a lot. And I know you feel the same way, Prue. 

That's why I want to know what you think about being my girlfriend officially from today on. What do you say, baby girl?" he replied after shooting Rhea another dirty look.

I couldn't help but smile. I had to admit that he was right, neither of us had expected that things between us would develop in this direction. But here we were. We had put our differences aside and discovered something we liked about each other. And that went far beyond the strictly physical aspect of the beginning.

"I would like that, Mr. Priest," I said softly.

Damian also gave me a smile before lifting my chin with his index finger. He pressed his lips to mine and began to kiss me slowly. This time felt different. Like he was trying to share all his feelings with me. Quickly everything around us disappeared. We didn't notice anything except ourselves. Not the noise of the cars or the music coming from the club nor the voices of the many people on the street.

"I think someone promised me a night I won't forget..." I said breathlessly after endless minutes as we both finally gasped for air.

"Damn straight. Let's get out of here, girlfriend. Before Rhea gets any more annoying." he said.

"Rhea's listening and still wants to know how long you've been keeping it from her." She called over to us.

"That would have been too easy." I laughed before resting my head against Damian's chest.

"Do we have to do this now?" he asked her as she moved closer to us again.

"Yes... or I'll stand outside your room all night and bug you there. Then you won't get to have sex. Talk to me now and I'll be quiet." she replied.

"Alright... What do you say... is it 6 months?" I asked D.

"Almost... and before you press any further..... There was nothing to say for a while. But then lately we realized how much we really like each other. How much we like spending time together. That we can confide in each other and that we trust each with everything," he said as he put his strong arm around me and pressed a kiss on my hair.

"Okay, that's what I wanted to hear. You're dismissed... Before your pants get too tight. By the way, the guys are not pleased to have lost their bet." replied Rhea.

"It was solely Dom's idea. Nobody forced him to choose such a high stake. But we'll have a good time with the money." Damian laughed before we finally made our way back to the hotel.

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