13 A new beginning

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Prue POV

"Mom died of a heart attack when Felicity and I were just 17. I remember Dad telling us when we got home from school. I broke down crying, but I can still remember the look in his eyes. He looked almost disappointed that we were crying. As if it was a weakness.

In the months that followed, my sister and I tried to distract ourselves in our own way. She threw herself into art and I into wrestling. I thought that the pain of training would somehow relieve me. Besides, we had the connection to the WWE. But as you might expect, it didn't help. Nothing helped. And certainly not that dad had a new girlfriend after only 3 months.

She and her 2 sons moved in with us. From that day on it was as if mom had not excised. The step monster disposed of all pictures of her.... As if she had never lived. Another 3 months later they got married. It was clear she wanted to get rid of us as soon as possible. At this point I couldn't wait to move out of this house and get into wrestling full time. But dad threatened to cut me off from any support if I didn't go to college.

That's why I started studying. Journalism and Media Management. I went to the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. That way I was far, far away from home. So I didn't have to visit them. And actually, I really enjoyed it. I quickly made friends and found a boyfriend. But in my free time, I kept training.

When I had finished the first semester, he nevertheless cut off my money. He didn't even pay the tuition fees. I can well imagine what the stepmonster put in his head to get him to do that. That's why I had no choice but to look for a job. To this day I don't know how I managed it. The classes and 2 jobs to keep me going.

I had and still have such a hatred for them. But especially my stepmother because I know she is the driving force behind everything dad does. She is a maniplative bitch. And she couldn't stand it from day one that I saw right through her. 

At 19, we were together for about a year, I married my boyfriend Martin. In a chapel in Vegas, naturally... He had just graduated from university and had an offer to work for a big bank here in Nashville. We then moved here. First into a small apartment... barely bigger than a garage. When his job went well, he bought the loft.

After the move, I continued my education at Vanderbilt. Amazingly, they had accepted me there. And I continued to work. But I was able to get back to wrestling. I got better and better. When I had my degree under my belt, I focused more on that. And Martin was very supportive. He even came with me to a try-out. 

Fast forward 2 years I had the opportunity to practice with Stephanie McMahon. Brie Bella couldn't make it in time so I had to fill in for her to rehearse some moves for their SummerSlam match.

Since Stephanie hadn't had a match in 10 years, we were on the same level. Unfortunately for me, that was the last day of my wrestling career. I don't remember exactly what happened...but.... apparently... apparently I slipped off the top rope. I fell to the outside. Steph tried to break my fall, but wasn't fast enough. I slammed my neck on the edge of the ring stairs. It was a miracle that I didn't die instantly," I said as we ate and then eventually went over to the couch.

My voice was low and I had to make a lot of pauses. Damian just listened without saying a word. But the horror on his face spoke volumes. Whatever he had expected, it certainly wasn't that. And I knew how much he regretted calling me a spoiled princess so many times.

"I had to undergo several surgeries. There were a lot of complications. Infections, intolerances to the hardware they used and so on. That's why I have problems to this day. They simply fucked up.

I was in the hospital for almost half a year. And then endless physical therapy. All the while I was alone most of the time, Felicity was in Europe, Dad didn't care. And my ex... well... worked a lot to pay the bills. Looking back, that was a huge red flag.

I had to give up my dream of wrestling before it even really started. Stephanie felt so guilty about what happened that she got me the job. Even though it wasn't her fault. Not in the least, yet she feels guilty that she couldn't stop me from falling.

After a while... Martin and I decided it was a good time to start a family. But it just didn't work out. When nothing happened after more than a year, he left me. He just moved out while I was on the road with work.

I've lost so many things in my life, Damian. But I'm strong. I've always been strong. I've always started over and that's what the tattoo represents.... a new beginning." I said.

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