12 No risk, no fun

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Prue POV

When I slowly but surely woke up the first thing I felt was Damian's fingers slowly sliding over my neck. But when he suddenly stopped, I knew he could feel it. The scar. I had hoped that he would never notice, because it was not a topic I liked to talk about.

However, I knew that's what I probably had to do now. I mean, it was a huge scar. It was normal that he would have a question or two. My question, though, was whether I was ready to talk to him about it.

I turned my head to the side and looked him in the eye. For a moment I was surprised. I had not expected his deeply concerned look. It was probably the first time I had seen such an expression on his face.

"Morning..." I said softly.

"Good morning... How are you?" he wanted to know, but had this undertone in his voice as if his question indicated so much more than last night.

"Better. Thanks for letting me stay here. It really helped me," I replied.

"That's good... Listen... Can I maybe ask you something?" he started almost shyly.

I took a deep breath and thought for a moment. I wanted to be sure it was the right moment or even the right thing to confide in him.

"I guess you want to know more about the tattoo and what exactly it covers..." I finally replied.

"Yeah well... I'm just curious. After all, it seems to cover a big scar. But... well... you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Damian then said as he reached for my hand.

"It's a long story... well, if I really start from the beginning... It's not something you can just tell in five minutes. Are you booked for the rest of the week around here or are you flying home?" I wanted to know as I looked at our joined hands.

"I'm here all week." he replied.

"Okay... what do you say you come over to my place tonight. I'll make dinner and then we can talk." I said, most surprised at myself.

"That sounds like a plan. Should I-" he began before there was a loud knock on the door.

"D? Do you want to come to breakfast?" we heard Dom's voice call out.

I was so startled that I fell backwards out of bed. With a loud bang I landed on the floor. 

"Are you okay?" whispered Damian as Dom asked the same question at the same time outside the door.

I nodded as I collected myself. Thankfully, I hadn't hurt myself.

"Yeah, you just woke me up. I just jumped and hit my arm. You guys go on down. I'll be there in a few minutes." He then called out to Dom.

"Well at least it wasn't Rhea. She would have busted right in." I said as I stood up and grabbed my clothes to get dressed.

"True." replied Damian, burying his face in the pillow I had been sleeping on.

When I was done, I hopped onto the bed and waited for him to look at me.

"So we'll see each other tonight?" I asked.

"We will. Text me your address and I'll come by as soon as I can." He replied as he propped himself up on his elbow.


Nervously, I walked up and down as I waited for Damian. I still didn't know if it was a good idea. But I guess I would find out. No risk, no fun.

As I puttered back and forth in my apartment, I cleaned up at the same time. Not that it was messy or even dirty. It just gave me a chance to keep my hands busy since dinner was already in the oven.

Also, it was the first time I let someone from work into my home. That alone was a big deal. I didn't know exactly why, but I trusted him.


Damian POV

As I parked the rental car in front of the address Prue had given me, I wondered if I was in the right place. The building in front of me looked like an old factory. I got out, locked the car, and then went inside.

It had obviously been converted into a residential complex with apartments or maybe even lofts. It wasn't the style I expected for Prue, but I personally liked it. The metal and the wood.

I walked to the elevator and pushed the button. I waited impatiently for the doors to open. After it finally came and I got in, I pressed the button with the right floor.

Arriving at her door, I knocked and waited for her to open. It didn't take long for her to do so. Prue smiled rather nervously as she let me enter.

"Hi." she said simply.

"Hi. Wow! This is some place!" I said as I let my eyes wander through the open, indeed, loft. A large, heavy metal staircase led upstairs to what looked like a gallery.

"Thanks. I got it at the divorce." she said softly as I followed her further in.

"Wait a minute... You're... divorced?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes... that's a long story too and it's very intertwined with the story about my neck. I made chicken legs with rice and broccoli. Hope that's okay." she replied as we arrived in the open kitchen.

"Well, that seems like a very interesting story. But you don't have to tell me everything if it makes you uncomfortable," I said.

"Well... it's more or less all connected. Actually, it all began after my mom died..." she began as I sat down at the kitchen island and she took our dinner out of the oven.

I listened intently as she fixed the plates. And I had the feeling that she was far away while starting telling me her story.

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