27 Little miracle

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Prue POV

"Is this really happening? Please tell me this isn't a dream..." I whispered as I held Damian tightly and looked up at him.

Tears were running down my cheeks. Damian also sniffled softly as he looked at me so full of love and somehow proud too.

"Yes mi vida, it sure is. I can't tell you how fu... freaking happy I am right now. I love you, baby girl. And this one of course." he replied before then very gently placing his big hand on my stomach.

I put my hand on his. This was such a beautiful moment. I would definitely remember it my whole life and I knew D would feel the same way.

"I love you, too. And thank you." I said.

Carefully, I stood on my tiptoes to reach out to him. He put a hand to the side of my neck and closed the gap between us. Our lips met. Even through the kiss, I felt the smile on Damian's face. It was hard at that moment to think of anything but us and our little gift.

But then there was a knock at the door and so we were quickly brought back to reality. The reality in which we had the house full of people who wanted to celebrate the start of our new phase of life together with us.

"Guys? Is everything alright? The guests are starting to wonder where you guys are." heard Rhea's voice say.

"We'll be right there. Give us a minute." Damian called out to her.

"Okay... Make sure your clothes are on properly." she giggled.

"Not what's happening right now, Rhea!" I exclaimed.

"Right... right... Of course not... Where did I get that idea?" she laughed.

"Just come on in." I replied.

She did as I said and looked around our bedroom. Her expression was very suspicious. But then she saw our faces.

"Hey... Have you been crying? If it's because of Dom, I promise I'll teach him a lesson." she said and hurried over to us.

Gently, she rubbed my back reassuringly and looked up at D with concern.

"Yes we did... Can you keep a secret, Nightmare?" I asked after giving Damian a look and he nodded in agreement.

"I can. What's going on?" she wanted to know.

"We just found out we're having a baby." I breathed, still completely overwhelmed.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my God!" she started cheering and jumping.

"Hey, calm down. We're only telling you this because I know you won't stop bugging us otherwise knowing something's going on. Not a word to anyone, okay? It's way too early for that." said Damian quickly before she could get too carried away.

"My lips are sealed." she replied, pretending to lock her mouth.

"But! I hereby claim dibs on the Gender Reveal Party!" she then added.

We couldn't help but laugh, because that was so Rhea. But at the same time I hoped that she would really be able to keep our sweet secret.


It took almost 3 weeks until we finally had an appointment with the doctor. Since we were so busy with work, the time passed quickly but still we were both very impatient. We couldn't wait to get a glimpse of this little miracle.

Because that's exactly how it felt to me.... Like a miracle. A dream came true that I had said goodbye to a long time ago. And now that it was about to come true, my emotions were on a roller coaster.

Damian felt the same way. Whenever he had the chance he held me in his arms or simply put a hand protectively on my belly. Fortunately, no one had noticed that yet, even if it was close one or the other time. The people who were closest to us were certainly a little suspicious. But so far no one has said anything.

"My heart beats faster than before any big match." said Damian as he held my hand tightly while we waited in the waiting room of the doctor to be called in.

"I know what you mean... I've been fidgety all morning." I replied as I rocked my legs.

"Miss Perry? This way please." one of the nurses then said.

She led us into one of the exam rooms. There, my blood was drawn and I was weighted. The whole shebang. The doctor who came in asked what felt like a million questions. But then it was finally time for the most important part. The ultrasound.

"And here's your baby." he said as he ran the probe over my belly.

There it was. That perfect little blob. So tiny, but this baby already had Mommy and Daddy wrapped around their little fingers.

"Hi you!" I whispered.

"It's perfect." Damian breathed, squeezing the hand he was holding tightly.

"It is," I agreed.

"And it's as perfect as it looks. By now you're eight weeks along, Miss Perry." the doctor said as our gazes were still fixed firmly on the monitor.

We talked about a lot of other things, but I was having a hard time focusing on any of it. I knew it was the same for Damian.

As we left, I was staring at the ultrasound pictures he had printed out for us. I couldn't wait to tell my sister about her niece or nephew. Our children would be so close in age. And maybe they would become best friends. Just like Felicity and me.

"How are you feeling mi vida?" asked Damian as he gave me a hug before we left the building.

"I'm so happy," I replied.

"Me too." he laughed and gave me a kiss on the nose.

"I can't wait to find out if it's a girl or a boy." he then said.

"Me neither... But it will take a while mi roca." I replied.

"Yes unfortunately..." he said and made a face.

I couldn't help but laugh. He was as impatient as I was. But we both knew it would be worth the wait. Part of me wondered what Rhea would pull out of her sleeve, though.

Just then, my phone rang. To my surprise, it was my brother-in-law Lamar. That could only mean one thing if it was him calling and not Felicity.

"D, the baby is on the way," I said after talking to Lamar.

We were about to become uncle and aunt for the first time. And then in a few months we'd be able to hold our very own little bundle in our arms.

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