14 Trust and comfort

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Damian POV

While I listened to Prue telling me her story, I couldn't help but feel more guilty with every second that passed. I had done her very wrong. And even though it had happened unknowingly, it made me feel like a prick.

She had been through so much and didn't deserve my condescension one bit. Just like she didn't deserve to lose her mother. Just the thought of her father made my blood boil. I mean... what kind of man basically drops his own children to bring a new woman into their lives so soon after the death of his wife, and then marry her so quickly...?

I slid closer to Prue as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. She seemed to be far away with her thoughts. And I could understand. She had that horrible date yesterday and then today she was reliving her whole trauma.

Carefully I put my arm around her shoulders and again she laid her head against my chest. I heard her take a deep breath. Slowly but surely she relaxed.

"I'm so sorry, Prue. You didn't deserve any of this that happened to you. And I'm sorry I was such an ass to you, too. I promise that will never happen again.

But like you said yourself... you're so strong. A lot of people would've broken. You're not... You're extraordinary. And even though your dream was taken away from you, it still didn't make you bitter or cold." I said to her as I slowly stroked her back.

"Well, you can't say that. After all, I was quite a bitch to a lot of people. Including you... though you often deserved it." she replied with a little giggle.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. I'm really sorry." I said and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Listen... I think it goes without saying, but please keep what I told you today to yourself. I trust you and I don't want to regret it later." replied Prue.

"Your secret is safe with me. I promise." I assured her.

"Thank you." said Prue as she lifted her head and then gave me a kiss on the lips.

It was probably meant to be a small kiss, but something about it was different than usual. We looked into each other's eyes. Only for a brief moment, but it was enough to make a difference. Now I gave her a little kiss. And then another.

I put a hand on the side of Prue's neck to hold her close to me. Her hands first rested on my shoulders before slowly wrapping her arms around my neck. She sighed as she opened her mouth and encouraged me to deepen the kiss.

When I did, she carefully climbed into my lap. I wrapped my arms around her. We continued to kiss for a while. Until she eventually pulled away from me, panting, and looked deep into my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I wanted to know, my voice low and throaty.

"Yeah...I was just wondering...when exactly I started liking you." she replied, grinning at me before rubbing her nose against mine.

"I know what you mean... I guess somewhere along our way it was inevitable." I said and then gave her a kiss on the nose.

"Come with me..." she then said as she stood up and held out her hand to me.

I took her hand and stood up. Together we went up the stairs to what I assumed was some kind of gallery. As it turned out, Prue used it as a bedroom. The open metal railing gave a good view of the whole loft. The dark wooden beams still made it feel cozy and warm.

I didn't have much time to think about it, because Prue was already pulling me onto the bed with her. We sank into the soft pillows while we kissed passionately again and again. Little by little we got rid of our clothes. Carelessly we threw them on the floor as we only had eyes for each other.

At some point she pushed against my shoulder and asked me to lie on my back. I did as she requested just as she straddled me. Her hands slid slowly over my chest. Her eyes followed every movement while my hands rested on her hips. I squeezed them gently before my fingers began to caress her.

Prue leaned forward. Our lips met in a heated kiss. Her hair tickled my skin and gave me goosebumps. Slowly, she rocked her hips. She rubbed against me agonizingly slowly. Our breathing quickly turned to panting as she finally lifted her hips and positioned herself over my hard, throbbing manhood. Slowly... very slowly and with a deep moan she lowered herself onto me. 

I felt myself disappearing inside her. But this time it felt deeper. As if I penetrated her in a different, new way. Somehow I tried to give her more that night. Something I knew she needed very much at the moment. And that was trust and a feeling of comfort. Actually it was something I needed too without realizing it.

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