5 Obsessed

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Damian POV

"This glaring from afar is getting really creepy. Why don't you finally do something about it? The worst thing that can happen is that you finally get her out of your head..." said Rhea as she pulled me out of my thoughts.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." I grumbled.

"Then explain it to me already! I've been bugging you for weeks. If you weren't so stubborn I could help you." she replied with a roll of her eyes.

"You think so? Should I really risk getting kicked by you too?" I wanted to know.

"Why should I? Wait a minute... did you say too? Why did she kick you? I thought you guys kissed?" she asked more confused at the second.

"That's... complicated..." i replied.

"What did you do?" she wanted to know as she stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.

I pondered for a while where to begin until I finally sighed deeply. Slowly I began to tell her everything that had happened between me and Prue. And I could tell that Rhea was anything but happy. Her fists were clenching. I knew she was about to punch me in the face.

"Please tell me you didn't really call her a slut! What is wrong with you? Are you so sexually frustrated with her that you couldn't think of anything better? And I agree with Prue. You deserved every bit of what she did. You're lucky she didn't cut off your privates. 

You two are really shitty. Neither of you know what to do with the tension between you. Don't tell me you believed her when she said she was married? That's obviously not true," she replied, growling.

"How would you know that? Why would she say that if it wasn't true?" I asked, confused.

"Oh god... Men... Have you ever seen her with a wedding or engagement ring? Did Prue ever bring a man with her? There are no photos with a partner. She doesn't talk about any. It was obviously a ruse to keep you at arm's length so you wouldn't get any stupid ideas to 'get even'. And guess what? It worked. She's really smart." she explained to me.

"Oh this-" I growled as it was now me who clenched my fists.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Priest! And get over the idea of having to take revenge. You had it coming." she cut me off.


A week later I was walking backstage when something caught my eye. There she was, but this time she wasn't alone. Prue was in the company of her father. Steven Perry, part of the board of management. Presumably he wanted to check on things and she was giving him a tour.

But something was different. Had she lost weight? She looked different. Her hair was lighter than last week, too, although that was nothing unusual. Just looking at her made my blood boil. Something about this woman was just...ugh.... I couldn't even describe it.

Some time passed and then suddenly I saw her standing alone in the hallway. Prue was playing with her mobile phone. Her back was against the wall. This was my chance.

I walked up to her and grabbed her wrist again to pull her a little away from prying eyes.

"What the hell?" she asked.

"You know... I don't appreciate being lied to at all," I said, looking into her eyes.

But I saw nothing but utter confusion.

"Do we know each other? Should I know what you're talking about?" she asked.

"Stop playing games. I know everything. Did you really think I would give up so easily?" I wanted to know.

"Listen. You're an incredibly handsome man, and this is exciting, but I think you've got me confused." she replied.

"What are you trying to do, Prue?" I asked.

"Priest! What the hell are you doing?" I suddenly heard a voice next to us.

Immediately I was confused. It was the same voice. I turned my head and stared into the angry face of Prue. From... But... how was that possible?

"What? How?" I asked confused as I let go of the woman who looked exactly like her.

"Felicity, are you okay?" asked Prue.

"Yeah, of course. I guess the guy has no idea huh? Happened last time we were still in school." she laughed as if nothing bad had happened.

"Indeed. But that doesn't excuse such behavior. Priest, this is my twin sister Felicity. Felicity, this is Damian Priest. One of the superstars. I told you about him." replied Prue.

"Oh that's him? Yes... I see. I should go see if Dad's done with the meeting. I'll call you later when the old man isn't listening in on everything. Nice to meet you, Damian." replied Felicity, winking at me before she left.

"You have... A twin?" I asked, still confused.

"Yeah obviously... And I don't at all appreciate what you just did! You're lucky she didn't get scared or anything. You could have gotten yourself in some major trouble. Was it worth it? Why are you so obsessed with me? You should ask yourself that. Excuse me now. I am already stressed out enough when my father is here. I don't need to deal with you on top of that." she replied.

"That doesn't change the fact that you lied to me to save your ass. But hey... In case you're in the mood for some stress relief.... Room 269." I said as before she disappeared around the corner.

Not that there was any point. But maybe it would give me a chance to get some closure. And unfortunately, she was right about one thing. I was obsessed. So much so that I almost made a huge mistake that could have cost me everything.

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