31 Can you keep a secret?

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Prue POV

"D, could you stop at the next gas station? I need to use the bathroom." I said when we were less than 10 minutes away from the airport.

The little man in my belly seemed to love using my bladder as a personal training device. As a result, I had to pee so often that it was no longer funny. I hoped he would soon change his position so I could sleep longer than an hour at a time.

"Sure, mi vida. We'll pass one in a few minutes." said Damian.

"Again? You were just at the airport..." whined Dom from the back seat.

"In case you haven't noticed, Chicken tender.... I'm pregnant and it can happen that I have to pee more often. If you keep bugging me about it, I can make sure you pee through a tube," I replied.

"Damn... Sorry, Prue." He said softly.

I sighed deeply. Actually, he didn't deserve that kind of threat. Oh well... maybe a little bit.

"No I'm sorry. I'm just in a bad mood because of the lack of sleep. Don't worry, next week you all will have a break. My maternity leave starts then," I replied.

It was really hard to believe that I was already seven months pregnant. The time passed so quickly. Much faster than I thought possible. Part of me would have liked to extend the time because I was actually enjoying being pregnant. But another part will surely be happy when I finally had my body all to myself again. Of course, neither I nor Damian could wait to hold our son in our arms.

"He deserved it, baby girl.... You know Dom needs to be put in his place every now and then." Damian chuckled as he took my hand and pressed a kiss to it.

"Yeah kinda... Seems like his Mami is a little too sloppy with the parenting..." I laughed.

"Hey, I heard that. And that earned you extra loud toys for the little man!" retorted Rhea now who had been weirdly quiet the whole time.

She had probably been trying to sleep or texting with Buddy and meanwhile was in her own little world.

"Do you want me to bring you guys some snacks or something?" I wanted to know as D parked the car.

"Nah... I think we're good." the boys replied.

"I'll be right back." then I said and got out of the car.

"I'm coming with you." said Rhea before following me.


Damian POV

"Okay baby girl. Have fun today and take care of yourself. Let me know if you need anything, alright? And you be a good boy." I said to Prue and gave her a kiss before addressing our son.

"I will. And you, don't hurt yourself. I need you in one piece." she replied giggling as I pressed a kiss to her belly.

"I'll do my best. Love you." I then said.

"Love you too." she replied and gave me another kiss before heading off to her meeting.

As I watched her walk away, my hand closed around the small box in my jacket pocket. I sighed contentedly as I imagined her reaction in my mind.

"Why do you look so dreamy?" wanted Rhea to know when she noticed my expression.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked.

"Of course." she replied.

I quickly looked around to make sure we were alone before pulling the little something out of my pocket.

"Oh wow. Look at that. Damn. You picked a good one." she said as she glanced at the ring.

"I didn't pick it out. I had it made. From a photo of Prue's mom's engagement ring. With just a few changes. The center diamond is a little bigger and the band is wider." I explained.

"This just keeps getting better and better! But why didn't her dad just give you her mom's ring?" she wanted to know.

"Well... first of all because she was buried with it and secondly, it wouldn't be fair to her sister if only one of them had her mom's real ring." I replied.

"How did you come up with that idea?" she asked.

"Well... Prue once told me how much she admired her mom's ring when she was a little girl. And when I talked to her dad about it, he told me that Prue used to hold onto the ring when she was too little to hold her entire hand. And how she used to twist the ring on her mom's finger when they were cuddled together on the couch watching a movie.

I hope she likes it. It took over four months to get it made. Now I just need the perfect opportunity to put my plan into action. I actually want to do it before the baby arrives. But everything has been so hectic with the preparations for the baby and the work and the traveling.... I want it to be perfect," I replied.

"Priest, this is..... I'm so proud of you." said Rhea, moved.

"Why?" I asked, puzzled.

"Oh you know... You're so grown up now." she explained with a wink.

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