20 What I didn't see coming

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Damian POV

Never in my life have I found it so difficult to concentrate on my work. It could have been a distraction from what had happened earlier, but it wasn't in the least.

My thoughts were focused solely on Prue. I understood that she wanted to be alone for a few hours. She needed time to let everything sink in that had happened here today. But enough was enough.

As quickly as I could, I made my way to the hotel. However not without first making a detour to get something. I knew that nothing could help in this situation. Still, as long as I could make her smile at least a little, it was worth it.

I unlocked the door and stepped into the dark room. Not a single lamp was turned on and it was quiet. Prue was standing in front of the window, staring out at the city lights. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest and was sighing heavily.

"Hey..." I said softly.

"Hey." replied Prue as she glanced over her shoulder.

I walked over to her and wrapped her in my arms from behind. Carefully, I pressed a kiss against the side of her head as I held her. Prue relaxed a little, but still I could feel the tension in her body.

"How are you doing? I got us some ice cream. Cookie dough. I know that's your favorite," I wanted to know.

"Thanks, D.. That sounds good. The headache is better and so are the cramps, because I gave in and took a pain killer after all. And then I talked to my sister on the phone for a while." she replied.

"I guess she's not thrilled, huh?" I said.

"No... Neither of us is. I've had time to think about it.... And what if Dad really had no idea? What if she's been spinning a giant web of lies all these years? What if the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing? I... we treated him really badly and he wasn't any better....

But what if... what if it was all her? Would we maybe have a good relationship? Why didn't I try to talk to him more, Damian? All I did was yell at him. Arguing with him... I'm no better than that woman. There were years when both me and Felicity barely spoke to him.

We played right into her hands. We were a family and we didn't stick together. I feel so guilty. I should have known better and talked to him sooner about everything. Instead, I just kept it all bottled up. All I did was blame him. Mom would be so disappointed in us. I just know that," Prue replied softly.

"Hey now listen to me... None of this was your fault or your sister's fault. You can't blame yourself for this. No matter how much he may or may not have known.... They were the adults. After all, you were still teenagers when you lost your mother.

Sure mistakes were made, but in the end it all started with that woman. Not with you guys. Take some time to process everything, but then you need to talk to your dad. Because I'm sure he loves you. And he's always loved you. I guess losing your mom was too painful. Grief can mess with your head. And that's what she took advantage of. 

You said yourself that you felt from the beginning how manipulative she is. She probably likes to play the victim. She twists and turns everything to fit her narrative. A narcissist through and through," I said as I turned her around to face me.

My heart clenched painfully when I saw the agony in her eyes. And that pain was only partly caused by the slap and the wound.

"You're right. Thank you for being here. And thank you for not letting her words affect you." said Prue softly.

However, she then lowered her head and didn't look at me any longer. I gently put my finger under her chin and lifted her head so that I could see her eyes again.

"Of course not. I will always be on your side. And do you know why?" I replied.

"Tell me why." she whispered.

"Because I love you." I said.

"You... really?" she asked in a breath as tears came to her eyes again.

"Yes really. I love you, Prudence Perry. You're the love I didn't see coming," I replied.

"I love you too, Damian. I love you." she then said before reaching out to me.

Gently, I kissed her. I really never expected to be standing here with her. I never expected to fall in love with this woman. But life surely had a plan for us and we had to learn how good we could actually be for each other.

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