36 Time together

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Damian POV

Everything happened so quickly. Several doctors and nurses rushed into the room and immediately took care of Prue. I just stood there, frozen, watching them examine her and then quickly push her out of the room.

The voices mingled so that I could not make out a clear word. It was as if my head was under water. How could this happen? How could this happy moment turn so into a negative one?

I wanted to follow the doctors, but was quickly stopped. The nurse put a hand on my shoulder.

"Sir, the best way you can help her now is to stay with your son. I am sure they will inform you as soon as possible." she said as I turned to her.

She was holding our little one in her arms. I reached out to take him into my own arms for the first time. My little Nolan. He looked so much like his mommy. At that moment, I couldn't stop the tears. I sat down in one of the chairs. My eyes were fixed on the baby while I prayed. Prue had to be okay. There was no other way. And I would accept no other outcome.

"What happened?" asked Prue's father suddenly.

"I... I don't know... Prue suddenly had a severe pain in her neck. And then... then she just fainted." I stuttered, having trouble controlling my voice.

The whole time my eyes did not leave our son. Not for a second did I want to let him out of my sight. He also got his first bottle from me.

"She's going to be okay. She has to. You know how strong she is... and she's stubborn. There's no way she's going to give up that easily..." said Steven.

We waited for an hour, maybe more, until finally the doctor came and explained what had happened.

"There's nothing to worry about. She's awake and responsive. A nerve got compressed in Miss Perry's neck. Due to the strain during childbirth. Normally that doesn't cause fainting, but because of her history of surgery and the medical materials, it caused a lot of pain. We were able to clear the blockage. And the CAT scan shows that there was no damage.

To be on the safe side she will have to lie flat on her back for 24 hours with a neck brace. She should move as little as possible to avoid more swelling. That means she won't be able to hold the baby either," he explained.

A huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. Even though I knew that these 24 hours would be anything but easy. I knew that all Prue wanted right now was to hold our little man in her arms, to get to know him, to just look at him for hours. And that's exactly what she couldn't do right now.

"You hear that Nolan.... Mommy is fine." I said softly to the baby in my arms just as Prue rolled back into the room.

"Hey mi vida... How are you feeling?" I asked gently.

Without answering me she started to cry. Tears were running down her cheeks.

"How do you think I feel...Is he okay? How is the baby?" she asked sniffling.

I took a tissue from the box and sat next to her on the bed. Gently, I wiped away her tears and then reached for hers with my free hand.

"Everything is all right... And we'll stay with you the whole time, okay? I know it's not how you imagined it, but the hours will go by really fast and then you'll never have to let him go." I replied.

"I can't hold my baby.... I can't hold him on his first day. I can't kiss him or smell his little head or count his fingers.... So don't tell me everything is fine, D.... I'm missing out on such an important part!" she cried.

"Shh.... Baby girl... I know it's hard and I would change it if I could, but..." I began unable to know how to finish the sentence.

"I know... I know..." she whispered.

Meanwhile, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her dad leave the room. What did that mean now?

Carefully, I took Prue's hand and placed it on the baby's belly. It was only a small thing I could do, but it was better than nothing.

"But really only for a few minutes every hour.... And if she feels even the slightest pain she will have to lie back down." said the doctor as he came back into the room with Steven.

"What's going on?" I asked.

I watched as he very slowly raised the top part of the bed so that Prue was now sitting up somewhat upright.

"We are allowing Miss Perry to hold her baby for a few minutes. I spoke with your father, Prue and he convinced me to grant you permission for a few minutes an hour. But please tell us immediately if her neck starts to hurt. Don't take it lightly," the doctor replied.

And when I realized what was going on, I immediately put Nolan on his mommy's chest. She held him tightly to her and gently cuddled him.

"Thank you..." she then whispered.

Nolan was obviously as happy as Prue, because he cooed contentedly. That was what they both needed the most at that moment.... Time together. And for me, there wasn't a more beautiful sight.

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